Minor summons murderfairy
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"I expect if you fork someone from there here they'll be able to open the door home, but I guess we'd have to check."


"It's consistent with how I can open the door, I guess."


"So we can in fact intervene in all the space Ardas but - let's keep looking for good Valar first, maybe they'll have suggestions on how to make the other sets suck less or how to handle them best -"


"Yeah, good order of ops."


Another book from Bar for each of them.



"This one's promising, the Valar reworked oaths to be less stupidly terrifying."


"That is promising, how'd they do that -"


"They don't bind future actions, but you can still swear that you have certain intentions or that you spoke honestly or stuff like that."


"...that's probably among the things I'd do if I ran Valinor - no draconian crime policy?"


"Nope! Or not so far!"


And Maitimo has a list of suggestions -

  • how long does it take to be resurrected?
  • how much concern do they have for the will of Eru/Eru's laws? homosexuality might be a decent proxy there.
  • are people from Endorë resurrected?
  • are they supportive of efforts to let people other than Mandos do resurrections?
  • how much travel is there between Valinor and Endorë?
  • have they done something about Dwarf mortality?
  • how did they handle my grandfather's remarriage?
  • how long did it take them to lock up Melkor in the first place, and why did it take that long?

Does this book answer these questions?


You can register preferences about how long it takes to be resurrected, but most people prefer it instantaneously.

There does not appear to be any stigma on homosexuality; Eru is not mentioned in the book.

Doesn't say whether the registering preferences about how long it takes to be resurrected applies to people on Endorë but conjuring for the living wills of people on Endorë confirms that it does, and that most of them also prefer it instantaneously. Ulmo apparently hangs out in Endorë most of the time and can do resurrections as well.

There has been debate about letting non-Valar people do resurrections but there is concern about potential for abuse (forking, uploading). The book mentions that recent improvements should obviate that problem and that Mandos has since started teaching more people.

Lightleapers don't exist yet so there is only limited travel between Endorë and Valinor, but it does not seem to be limited by law.

Dwarves are not chipped and cannot be retrieved if they die, but they don't die of old age.

Miriel and Finwë divorced, she came back to life after oaths were fixed, and she's now dating both Finwe and his second wife which is at least a little scandalous.

They locked up Melkor as soon as the torture thing came to their attention, and it took that long because they hadn't known you could upload people like that and had thought it was a good sign he was off playing with his computers. They published a lengthy account of the errors in judgment that permitted it to happen and tracked down all Melkor's servants as well. Orcs were also mass-resurrected after the oath reform.


"I like these Valar."




Cam lists the answers to Maitimo's questions. "- not sure why the resurrection of your grandma's alt waited for the oaths thing, it's in a little sidenote without details..."


" - yeah, huh. 


- okay, I'm satisfied that these Valar deserve a shot at fixing stuff, are you?"


"We could try to optimize more but given the need to work from books I'm not sure it'd meaningfully improve our accuracy."


"We can grab the me and if he's like 'oh, no, that book's entirely propaganda' I assume he'll still appreciate the warning to continue not pardoning Melkor and the summoning for the Dwarves."


"Plus humans if they still show up, yeah. You wanna be there when I wake him up?"


"Probably, yeah, he'll be slightly less freaked out."


So Cam goes up and sticks a chip in the reader and pulls a chip out of the writer and embodies it.


That sure is a basement-dweller!



"That's... worrying..."


" - yeah. Uh. It doesn't mention I'm dead or anything?"

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