Alexandria Sue meets Daisy Sue
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To Daisy: do they know about the Spirit and where Daisy and Dusk are from?

To the crows: she's Rebecca, not exactly the same type of person as Dusk but much closer to Dusk than she is to Crafters. Like Daisy she's picked up the crafting powers of the Crafters. She hasn't met anyone else here yet other than Daisy and the people living with her, and is eager to meet everyone. Who are they and what are their names?


The crows had some trouble understanding the idea of an incorporeal person but they know the group is from another world and can do some unusual things.


Names, what a neat concept! Half of them immediately go off to decide on names for themselves. The rest explain with only a little bit of overlapping each other that this crow is the best at hunting lizards and that one chased a big hawk away all by herself one time and this other one's mom is dinosaur-ey and this one is just the smartest, he can add numbers, and this one loves blue things, and the kid is a kid and lives with this one Crafter who has a lot of dogs, and the teenager sings and gives them really good treats and they're really pleased that they could help him get together with his girlfriend (they're really cute together), and the one adult makes fancy robotic things and the other is always reading and the third is super good with kids, half the time when someone asks for help figuring out where their kid has wandered off to they're at his house. And she probably knows Daisy and Nine since she came here with them but Daisy is just the best, so shiny and friendly and good, and Nine can't communicate with them for weird shiny-person reasons but he's very good too, he makes sure to leave some meat out for them every time he goes hunting and he does it a lot!


Do they usually eat lizards? Are hawks a common threat? She doesn't know a lot about crows. What kinds of treats do they like? How did they help the teenager get together with his girlfriend, or is that too private? It sounds like a great story. What fancy robotic things do that adult make? Daisy is very shiny and friendly and good, yes, and Nine is working on a project to teach other people to understand Binary, have they heard of that?

To Daisy: they are very excitable, wow. It's endearing.


They are, it's very cute.


Crows eat all kinds of things, lizards and frogs and bugs and mice and fish and eggs and fruit and nuts and anything the Crafters want to give them. Hawks aren't too dangerous to an adult crow but they'll take a baby if they can get them, it's not good to let hawks hang around especially big ones but usually you need a whole flock to mob them, a crow driving away a hawk by herself is really impressive. They like all kinds of treats but nuts and meat are especially good! They got the teenager and his girlfriend together by telling them about each other and suggesting things they could give each other and do together, they were too shy on their own. The robotics crafter makes inside-the-house things mostly so they don't know a whole lot about it but she's helped other crafters give their chickens fancy coops and things like that. A couple of the crows are learning Nine's thing but it's pretty hard and none of these ones are that interested in it.


She should bring some trail mix the next time she comes to see them: it's a mixture of various dried fruits and nuts her people think go well together, though she doesn't know if their tastes are the same as crows. (She's inferring that hawks aren't intelligent animals.) And she hears that Nine's thing is hard, and she supposes especially if you're not used to spoken languages in the first place.

She's interested in learning fleshcrafting from the local fleshcrafter. Do they know anything about them?


Trail mix sounds interesting, they've never heard of anyone drying fruit before!

The fleshcrafter is nice, they're always willing to help the crows out even if it's just to look nicer and not because they're hurt. They usually stay in their territory and have their friends meet them there and they keep lots of rabbits and let the crows have the meat sometimes and they fly kites in their spare time.


She must let them try it, then, and the Crafters as well. It's easy to do and the dried fruit keeps well and is tasty, and it goes well in a lot of other food. Do they drop by Daisy's place often? She can ask Nine how to leave food out for them.

It's great that the fleshcrafter is so helpful! She hasn't been fleshcrafted before, since she's from a different world (not the same as Daisy's, a third different one) so she's wondering if it hurts or anything?


Ooh, a food that keeps well! Crafters don't usually worry about that because they can make food plants whenever they want to but the crows need to! Not all of them were stopping by the beetle house regularly before but they sure will now! (Daisy is amused at this and will talk to Rebecca about the logistical considerations later.)

Getting fleshcrafted doesn't hurt, it feels a little bit like an ache but not exactly, like this. Or it doesn't feel like anything at all if you're just getting your colors changed or something that doesn't move anything around. What's her world like?


They don't have crafting, but some people randomly get special powers: for example, one of Rebecca's special powers is that she can fly. (She floats up and down to demonstrate.) They live very densely because they don't have the territory instinct of Crafters—she shows an impression of downtown Los Angeles from the sky, and herself looking out her high-rise apartment.


Woah, she can fly. Woah, skyscrapers! They're huge! So many people! They want to go see!


To Daisy: sorry about accidentally inviting people over!

She would love to, but she doesn't actually know how to get back right now, and might not be able to for a long time. And her home is dangerous; that's one of the reasons she got herself here. She sends an image of Ash Beast wandering into a town.


 (That's fine, Daisy's just worried about it attracting vermin to the house if she leaves food out.)

Ash Beast is scary, wow! They think they could fly away from them but if they have monsters and flying people maybe they have flying monsters, too, and that would be really bad. Much worse than hawks!


There are flying monsters but they are rarer. Mostly she doesn't think they'd be in a lot of immediately danger but she'd feel really bad if they got unlucky and got hurt! Maybe after they crack universe travel.


Yeah! They still want to try it, mostly - a couple of them are more dubious of the idea now - but maybe once they can bring somebody with them to help them stay safe, or something.


(The teenager has noticed the group, now, and is watching them curiously.)


Hello teenager! The crows were just telling her all about the people around here. She's new and wanted to meet everyone.


Hello! He's someone but he's not very interesting, he's afraid.


Well, she's never met a Crafter before, so most of what he says will be interesting, probably. And he can also just ask her questions! She might be around for a bit so she's happy to disseminate background knowledge for people to spread around so everyone generally knows what's up with her.

She's from a different world like Daisy and she doesn't have the instinctual territory thing that Crafters do, but she's been briefed on how to act properly. She can fly so they might see her around in the sky, but she knows not to fly low over people's territory and only land in unclaimed places and obey the territory markers.

She's interested in improving her crafting—she picked it up like Daisy did—and also specifically interested in branching into fleshcrafting; she's usually good at that sort of detailwork and it sounds very useful.


No territory instinct at all? That's hard to imagine. Even crows have a little bit of one.

He is friends with the fleshcrafter, anyway, if she wants an introduction. Not that she'll really need one, they're pretty friendly.


She would love an introduction. She can compensate the fleshcrafter in a variety of ways if it's an imposition; she doesn't know how they do apprenticeships or such around here, or if the fleshcrafter is even open for something like that.

To Daisy: she should have asked before, but does Daisy think this learning fleshcrafting is a good use of her time? Daisy mentioned they were trying to crack interworld travel with crafting, but Rebecca isn't sure how they plan to do it, how close they are, if they need help, and how badly they want it.

(Is she neglecting the crows?)


Compensate them for... teaching her? Well, maybe it could work that way, but he thinks it's the kind of thing where someone won't do it at all if they don't want to. Crafters do do something like apprenticeships, though; the connotations seem a bit different but the general gist of it is right. Anyway, he'll want a minute to pack his things up but he wasn't getting anywhere with what he's doing anyway, he can take them over now if they want to go.


Daisy has been assuming that interworld travel would be regular crafting, but it does occur to her that if Rebecca picks up fleshcrafting that might let them integrate it into a person rather than doing it as an object, and it might be easier to do that way. She doesn't think she's necessarily very close to figuring it out, and hasn't been considering it particularly urgent, but she could have a breakthrough anytime - she's been just kind of trying stuff with Dusk spotting her to make sure she doesn't do anything too dangerous, which is what usually stops Crafters from experimenting too much with exotic crafting capabilities, they wind up giving themselves radiation poisoning or whatever if they try the wrong thing.


(The crows have started going back to playing catch with the kid, yes.)

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