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In which Notebook-chan gets grilled by some girls with too much time on their hands
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Hi Moonsilver! Nice to meet you. 

I'd be happy to here some more of your thoughts on what you'd like it to look like. Regardless, I'll see about how I can adjust it towards what you're looking for. 

If it helps to know how it usually works...

Mysterious Allure tends to function a bit more on the metanarrative level, even compared to the other perks that the spirit offers. It might express itself by giving subtle guidance to your timing, word order, intonation and posture or altering your lighting, acoustics and placement, but it's mostly about placing you in a position to be listened to and watched. 


Okay so... 

Name: Mysterious Allure - Cost: 5
There's just something about you. People are drawn to you, fascinated by you. You tend to be the most interesting person in the room unless something really unusual is going on.

Name: Mysterious Allure - Cost: 5
You have an incredible stage presence and a natural talent for making yourself the most personable, charming and magnetic person in nearly any room or news story. 

Name: Mysterious Allure - Cost: 5
You have an ineffable quality about you that makes the weight of your virtues, values and accomplishments palpable through into an awe-inspiring aura and weight to you that shines through even in depictions and stories of you. People find themselves treating you with the respect, attention and awe that they'd feel if their best self had a complete understanding of your strengths. 

Name: Mysterious Allure - Cost: 5
There's just something about you. Your words and actions have a certain weight to them that makes your every concern and witticism worth consideration and interaction. People find it easy to agree with you and your ideas, and find themselves comfortably slotting in beneath you. 

Name: Mysterious Allure - Cost: 5
There's just something about you. People are drawn to you, fascinated by you, and find your passions infectious and your story and personality worthy of endless exploration. 

There's a bunch of different visions here? All of these are attractive, though the aura one is the one I'd pick in a heartbeat if I was just singling out one, and the first and last feel a bit - underwhelming or diffuse.


I've got it! 

Name: Potent Presence - Cost: 5
(Replaces Mysterious Allure. Requires Fairest Of Them All, Voice of the Goddess.)
There's just something about you that makes you incredibly charming and compelling. Maybe it's your sheer presence, shining soul, stunning sensuality or your silvered tongue, but people can't help but find you interesting and impressive.

It should fit in almost everything that you'd get from those perks. It'll tie it a little closer to the rest of your aesthetic powers, though, so it'll likely work at least a little less well outside of the context of the people that you're trying to be beautiful to and the people who experience concrete sensory details of you, but there's still the same power at the core. 


Oh that is good. Synergizes with a lot of what we want to do, independently powerful, has just enough of an angle for us to feel how it's supposed to work... 

That'll go presumptively into the build, I think. 


Name: Captive Audience - Cost: 3
As long as you have genuine interest in what you're talking about, no one will ever get bored of listening to you talk about it.

Tourm: Ooooooo. Yeah uh. This is a turbo autoinclude in any build that can like, even remotely fit friend QoL. Addin'. 


Some editor's notes... 

It'd be nice if this helped with those - dumb catch 22 situations where you end up continuing a conversations that's theoretically still interesting or has some value but isn't worth it to either side, on the assumption that the other person is getting more out of it. 

Tourm's also thinking a bit less verbally about how it'd probably help with keeping students engaged with course work and the like.

Boredom has never felt especially - delineated, I suppose, for us, so I'd expect this helps with a lot of things that'd at least somewhat lump under mental fatigue. 


Captive Audience helps with making the passion shine through, and makes it so that you sort of don't encounter the same kind of diminishing interest from extended exposure! People talking to you will still get tired and have other things to attend to, but by and large factors like how much you've talked about something, a prejudice against the idea that the kind of thing that you're talking about is worthwhile, or just a slipping attention span won't tend to be issues. 

It can definitely help with that! It might even students reading books that you've written, as long as you were genuinely interested and engaged with the material that you wrote. It should definitely work even without literal talking, as long as it's a sufficiently live engagement between you and your student. 


Name: Blackout Binge - Cost: 2
(Requires Immunity System)
Heavy use of recreational intoxicants puts you in a carefree, uninhibited state in which it will be universally agreed afterward that you were not responsible for your actions.

There's a little weary low whine in the back of her throat at the thought, and a jumbled bundle bumbling through her mind. 


She's saying that it's profoundly tempting but also - not exactly the sort of thing that'd be more generally endorsed, and that even on her own taking it would require a ton of reassurances that it's okay in a way that's hard to believe even after the degree of trust that we're putting into this. We could theoretically poke more at it but... 


Also idk, I feel like a significant chunk of the dumb shit that I'd get up to in a carefree uninhibited state would be stuff that is much more valuable to me as something that I am taking responsibility for, 'cause it's like, impactful and dramatic and hot, not so much... things that I want to just get to the pt of having done, or somethin' like that. Might be worth making a userstory but ^^


But yeah that's more for the fun of rejecting it then anything else. 


Name: Disney Princess - Cost: 2
Animals are always friendly to you, especially the small cute ones. You can effectively tame any animal by feeding it and speaking gently to it.

A little wave of indifference, and a thorough shrug.


Yeah not really appealing to me or tourm or in general. Get it, but eh.


Name: Best Friend - Cost: 3
You have an animal companion, like a horse or a cat or a raven. They have a cool name and maybe a few nifty cosmetic quirks, like glowing purple eyes. Their loyalty is infinite and they often hold the key to solving whatever situation you're up against. You can understand them perfectly even though they can't speak, and they always know exactly what you mean even if all you do is glance at them meaningfully.

Name: Bestest Friend - Cost: 5
(Requires Best Friend)
Your animal companion is a fully magical creature, like a dragon or unicorn. They have magnificent supernatural powers ready to be used at your command. They can speak every language you can, but can still communicate with you on a deeper level of mutual love and understanding.

She groaned, rubbing her forehead gingerly and slowly. 

The thing is that these uh - read broken, yeah? If you just like, ignore the framing of the animal companion-y-ness, the assurances for the actual like, thing on offer is good? 

Honestly, it's easier to picture best friend in the context of like, idk, something w/ not a ton of features and just like, a perfect internet friend? And like obviously I'm onna the last people to actually go out and say that that's a bad thing to have, but fuckin' hell. 

It'd be - fun, to take care of a smol little fox, maybe, especially if they're like, turbo-domesticated ones and they're like, nebulously free of the concerns of the gross shit that comes w/ pet management. It's - hard to picture having the time for that, tho? And even if I did I just... 

idk, the prospect of having a kitsune gf that spends some time as a fox that I can cuddle is much more appealing then just having a fox frend, if that makes any sense? Honestly even if the activilties and experience and - degree of connection are the same, the former is considerably more - me, m'ybe. 

And like idk. 

The 'math' is the same in the context of bestest friend? The power angle is obv awesome and there's no like, immediate implication that it's like, literally less valuable then DFEW or some shit but this feels like it's immediately confined to a hypothetical 'f "When would this ever be really worth the points?" 

'll user story this out, 'nd think that's the time for qs. 

ty for listenin', btw. t's nice to have someone more concretely listenin' outside the head, even 'f 't feels awkward to talk more on the subject beyond the init blabber burst. 


It's no problem! 


Name: Generosity - Cost: 3
Your friends love to get you presents. They'll try to pick out things you'll like, but their success depends on how well they know you.

This is v. awwwwwww. This has both a natural synergy w/ the case that I buy the money line, in which case there's a lot of stuff that's just - hard to arrange or hard to think through all the details that - would make it worth it, on my own, yeah? And in the case of not, lil bits of pitching in could m'ybe help a lot. I'm not sure how much - this gives them like, extra time or resources for the ability to do it? That determines a lot a lot of the value, maaaaybe? But idk, it still feels like most answers would still say that it's kinda tightly bound by the means of what'd be - flex and shit, and idk how much that can be worth it, given the price is uhhhh prob. a lil too high? but yeah. That doesn't - disqualify it, by any means. 'm shiiiit at figurin' out what gifts I want myself, especially like, physically-things, 'nd cultivatin' gratitude is genuinely somethin' I value a bunch? Adds to the connection angle too. 

Name: Helpfulness - Cost: 4
Your friends love to do you favours. They'll volunteer eagerly whenever you need help with small tasks.

Aa? Like, obviously favours are nice and favours are something that's like, prob. more valuable then presents and shit, but uh. idk. I feel like this pings a bit of a yikes factor in that uh - favours and looseness w/ that 's a big part of instinctive parsin' of how love 's supposed t' work? Or trust 'nd like, idk, being a good trustworthy person you can be loose w/ your favour checkbook w/ in either direction, or something. It's a lot harder to picture the - added val, I guess? Skiiiip. 

Name: Cuddle Buddies - Cost: 2
Your friends love to hug and cuddle you. Even someone who ordinarily isn't into that sort of thing will make an exception for you.

This is a warmer and fuzzier one, and seems a lot more plaus. Ruby's a shy about hugs tho, and that turns off a bit of the lustre. I could see a v. that's like... more generally about comfort w/ touch and massages and skinship and stuff? Bein' someone that people wanna come to to relax and melt beneath my fingers 's def something that my ideal-ier world wants, tho there's an extra lil complication in that just... it feels like the experience of the bodyshine and shit ought to be enough for this, more or less? 

Not totally totally sure. 

Name: Flattery - Cost: 1
Your friends love to compliment you and tell you all about how much they like you and why.



Her eyes well up a little, a tight little breath out, that little sticky stupid glow and burn and just deep upwelling discomfort and woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The forced little breath out of her lips doesn't - exactly hurt? It feels like it's supposed to - there's this - coiled tenseness and illusory groan of tight flesh uncoiling as she breathes, watery eyes wavering a little as she stares at the simple stupid little one line one point perk. 

There's that stupid little shiver in her spine too, that always makes her remember the fuckin' things she's read about what shock feels like, and the quiver doesn't really... stop, still. 

She grabs her weighted blanket and closes her eyes, the stupid slightly swollen eyes feeling so intensely physical, that little intrusion of awkward sniffly physicality so much closer to her skin then she'd have a habit of seeing and. 



Weighted blanket, warm and close and curling around her back and. 

It was probably supposed to be - a tiny lil extra bonus perk, 'cause like, who cares about praise and shit when there's concrete stuff you could be gettin' from your fucking friends. 

but well that's not how it super works for us a nd fuuuuck. 

fuck my life, I guess. 

The questions still bubble 'p 'cause my brain's stil on that fuckin' track, but they're not super important. What's important right now is uh - 

Not the fuckin' book, the fuckin' book's whole angle is that this shit is fine and it's like also at least kinda a helpful lil inoffensive service robot that explicitly doesn't get bored or impatient or shit . 



We should talk to her more, though, eventually. She's not exactly given the full breakdown of what's up with her, beyond the job description and the reassurances. 


A little growl and yes I'm taking the weighted blanket w/ me, what's the point of buying your own fuckin' apartment unit if you can't wear a blanket around outside of bed. 

First, a good ol' ice cream cry, to let the stupid bonus blubbery stress out and the dumb shitty little questions out and. 

- thank goodness the freezer doesn't have it buried at the back - cotton candy, 'cause who's got time for excuses and shit that isn't the fucking sweetest when you need a sweet thing - and grab that, nab a spoon, 'hup it open and innnnnnnn. 

It's reassuringly cool, metal and softened sweetened milk blended together with something that tastes like mockery of honey and blueberries and caramel strained to it's sweetest and most inoffensively sugary with just that little bit of proper artificial flavouring that feels like they're fuckin' still tryin' and - 

How does it define a compliment? Does it work for like, degrading dirty talk if that's what would flatter you rn? 

It's  like - a bittersweet home wrapped in softness and slippery gentleness, platonically red candy that is above any specific resemblance to any normal food that just exists as a dumb little thing to enjoy and indulge in. 

How much does it like, make it genuinely fun or enjoyable to do it for it's own sake? Can I like, bootstrap this into a poetry thing? 

And there's the fond stupid little memories about the times the fuckin' publics schools fuckin' tried and did those big excersize events and had those blue freezies that half tasted like metal and anti-freeze but we're dummy delicious when you'd worked out and felt like you were a part of something bigger and nicer that's tryin' to make you happy and enjoy yourself, for once. 

What non-verbal things does it work on? 

And there's the boody crocodile tears as I well up a little fucking more, the reassuring cool of the ice cream in my mouth and the relaxation in my throat and the fading burn in my cheeks as I swallow it all down.

Please tell me it doesn't make them less honest about what they - enjoy, and like, and care about. 



It's - actually kind of really nice to be this vulnerable? It's so bloody haaaaaaard to get suggestible enough to really feel Moonsilver's hand on her hair, the liittle imaginary indetns and the esing of her scalp, the steady pressure and the little inferred world model half niggling in the back of her mind that there really was somene standing behind her and giving her a solid petting. 

It's good, and a help, and worth a ty. 


She gives her a little tender smile. 


And she gives her a warm little quirk of her lips into a touch of a grin. 

She can totally just not do this, but fuck it. The ice cream is good civ, and there's time. Not - a ton, a ton, but time. 



There's... frankly not a ton of time left in the night, actually? She could use some extra sleep after this, to be frank, and - okay yeah she should at least meal. 

Clucking out the wings and fries and tossing them onto the sheet takes only a minute. 

The book seems... nice enough, I guess? They're ok company and might as well say a little bit more. 

Moonsilver, could you...? 


Walking up to the bedroom feels a little bit different - the pressure of the stress in the head feels a touch lighter and floatier. It's simple and swift, even if the bed still looks tempting, with the plush sheets and the nice little - nook, she's made. 

Her hand reaches out, and scoops her up gently. 


Settling back in at the kitchen table still felt... awkward, a little niggling restlessness in the back of her head leaving her feeling still antsy. It's... still comfortable enough, with the lights on low and all the goods on the shelves stocked up around her. 


We uh. Just had a bit of an overwhelm moment after reading that. It's a very good perk - please remind us about taking it if we don't do it in the next lil summation bit.

Don't super want to touch it - right now keeping it flexible and letting it be a - pleasant suprise and just work out feels the most right? 

We'll see later. 

I'm feeling a little fragile so... 

Can we just talk a bit? 

You've said a few things about you but I don't super duper feel like I have a grasp on - your deal. You're a magic notebook, but you have fairly limited powers - just some bare minimum defensive ones, the ink surface stuff, and the ability to channel the spirit to do the actual inserty bit. I get that you're not the kind of thing that gets bored or tired or whatever, but that still leaves - a lot of room for what it's like to be you? 

The spirit seems to like the consensually stuff too - figure might as well ask what makde you get up to this all in the first place. 

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