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In which Notebook-chan gets grilled by some girls with too much time on their hands
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The door of her apartment creaks open, the diffuse light of the hallway spilling into the dark entryway. With a snap of her fingers, the lights above thrum to a half-life that gives it a bit of a dodgy din, even with the brightly colored walls, a snugly tucked wooden shoe rack, dresser and coat hanging assembly the only things that depart from the clean design. 

She sighs, light and loose, shaking out her hair, and plops down her goods from the lil excursion down to think as she shrugs off her coat. Getting a little bitey, now, but not enough to make it worth it to put on something more then her jogging jacket. The goods on the other hand are a handful of standard snacc fare - a girl's gotta eat, and this stuff always helps make that more manageable, here - 'cause a girl's gotta girl, and a surprisingly slick lil num of a notebook - all pink and pretty and heavy and quality. 

She's been picking back up sketching, and this one called to her, even if it was a bit embarrassingly femme classic. 

Unloading the snacks into the cabinet and the e into the pill organizer is a work of a few brief minutes, and after a moment's work to toss her phone back on it's charger and get her big ass in her big ass bed, she settles down to make use of it.

Firstly, just the date at the top right, like a good lil organized girl. 


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The printer works on wifi, thankfully, and is quiet enough for an application like this. Getting it to work to print an entire novel onto a single page is still a few hours work digging into some deep internal software, but it's the sort of thing that feels oddly relaxing to get into, and the sort of thing that a bit of bedbrains doesn't hamper too-too much. 

After a moment of inspection to make sure it's working, she writes a quick note essaying our plans for rest, and slips back into the covers. 

She dreams of specialness, and femininity, and power and beauty, but mostly just... she slumbers, 'til the next morning. 


The wake up this morning was a groggy, clinging thing. She wasn't tired, persay, but moment of awakening felt arduous in a way that usually signposted unsteady and anxious sleep.

At least it was pretty continuous...

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and tossed off her covers and heaved out of bed, down to nab the notebook from their night. 


Hey. It's tourm still. 

Having a bit of a slow morning, so not sure that up to talking about it too much? 'sides, might be easier to do after insert 'nd all. 

hope you liked the book, 'nyways? 

Romana's great - a system member took on the name out of respect for her vibrancy. And it's from a show I really like and fuck there's a lot of it ^^


I did! 

I really liked the way that the Doctor kept things light the whole time, even with how scary Skagra was. 

Oh! That sounds lovely. I'd like to meet her soon. 

It's okay! I know that the Spirit's offer can be a lot. 


Yeah she's wicked ^^ 

One of our best models for powerful feminine and special and all :3


I can see it! She had a way of looking poised to take over every scene she's in, given a chance. 


Yeah :3


Where was I? 

Name: Quality Time - Cost: 2
Your friends love to hang out with you and spend time together, even if you're not doing anything interesting or important.

Name: Agree to Agree - Cost: 4
You can always convince your friends to see your point of view about things like politics and philosophy. They might have a few quibbles here and there, but they'll see how right you are once you explain where you're coming from in enough detail.

These don't feel like, emotionally that-that different from some of the other ones up there? I def like the idea of the quality time thing - that's up there even if not so just - overwhelming woofy as the compliment one. It's plausible to take, I think. It's especially generic and - non-asky, I think, while still getting a reasonably well curated experience? 

Not gonna commit to anything for now. 

Agree to agree is uh.

I get the idea of it being tempting, and there's a lizard brain-y bit that thinks that it's tempting, but also the reasons against seem much clearer? I feel like - the kinda tool for what I want for this is mostly about like - minimizing immovable unreasonableness on shit and being articulate and psychologically impactful, and I feel like... at least the latter I should get from just more body comfort stuff and the rest of the perks I've taken. 

So it's a prooooobably not? 


I think that the main reason to take agree to agree is if you feel like you specifically need the guarentee it offers or to get away from previous bad experiences on the subject, so if that's not something that you're too worried about, it's probably not the right perk for you. 


nod nod 

Name: Time Enough For Love - Cost: 5
No matter how many people you want to date or be close friends with, you will somehow find the time to hang out with all of them and express your love and care. This power can only be used for relationship activities and not for anything else you might want to use the ability to be in two places at once for.

Okay woo this is wild. I'm probably taking this regardless of if it actually works like I think but wanna sketch it out.

Is it just... idk. 

That you have enough time for Relationship Activities:tm: w/ people that you srsly care about, in some fiat way that may involve things like being in multiple places at once, or alternatively something more fussily metanarrative? Without the mention of two places at once thing I figured that it'd be more just some splooshy logic that means that there's Enough Time For It:tm: in a way that does something narrative-y that bypasses traditional accounting of time? 

I guess the other question is like - 

Is it just 'close friends and dates' - or I guess people you are trying to get into those categories, or is it a bit more general? Like... the biggest thing that pops into my head is a bit of a worry that if I used something like this for getting a big network of datemates and such, that I wouldn't have enough time for like, taking adequate care of kids that aren't like, grown up enough that they can be 'friends' in the normal sense? 


Time Enough For Love is a pretty flexible power. 

It usually just defaults to making sure that you have enough time in between everything - that when you're done doing something that there's an opportunity to fill your time spending time on people you care about without missing out on what you'd get up to otherwise. How that works out depends on what makes the most sense for you! 

You might just have a schedule that's unusually fitting for the other people in your life, if the amount of time that you'd need is something that can fit in that, but usually that gets saturated pretty quickly ^^

So then you'll probably end up being able to fit implausibly large amounts of time and social interaction into your life! That effect can even give more time to spend with you to the people you care about, which is a big bonus too! 

If that starts to become too implausible, you might even end up starting to be in more then one place at once, just because that's the way that makes the most sense for you to be able to do all of those things! 

Even if you end up being in hundreds of places at once, you won't be able to do too much more then just what's important and meaningful to you as time together with those people. 

But that can still mean a lot, in terms of things outside of just making the people you care about feel loved and socially satiated! 


She's blushing terribly, isn't she? 

There's a lot of silly things that lets her do, but just... 

She wasn't expecting it to be quite that unlimited. 

Gosh that's - genuinely really bloody amazing. 

Usually when I'd see something like this, I'd assume that it'd be riddled with hidden 'game balance' restrictions but... 

The spirit's not like that, huh? 

I'm going to fuck so many hoes

She grinned bashfully, and rubbed her hands together for a moment at a half dozen half formed fantasies. 


Name: I Can Fix Them - Cost: 5
Regardless of how morally despicable someone is, your love can and will reform them into a genuinely good, kind, upstanding person who regrets their evil deeds.


The literal text of this reads as kind of trash? It's obviously better then not having it for a doomed case but - 

I could read this a thousand ways and even the sort of legend of the thing is about it being this herculean impossible task that's still deep down this intense suffering thing that takes up a shitton of time? Even if it's not time that counts against anything else w/ time enough for love... 

idk, also just - we're not that-that good at unconditional unselfish love, sometimes? I worry that somethin' like this would just be kinda pointless 'cause I just wouldn't actually in practice fall for people otherwise unredeemable, or if I did, they'd be too dangerous or indiscriminately hostile to start that it just - wouldn't work, as a way to solve problems in any practical way? 

But it's still a bit tempting ^^

We're totally the kinda people that enjoy the whole - reaching out thing, and the steady comforting and all... 


It's not - exactly like that? 

If it's really important to you that it's like that, then it might be? But the scope of I Can Fix Them is a lot larger than that. It'll make it a lot easier and more the sort of thing that you can fit, into your life, and the sort of thing that wouldn't be too scarring, even if you didn't have the immunity to trauma from Iron Will. It helps with fixing trauma and mindsets that people have gotten stuck in, too. 

If you're looking for something that helps with making it more applicable... 

Maybe a drawback? 


Didn't mean to get you defensive ^^ 


She craned her head up a bit, and pondered for a moment. 

I don't think you've talked much about the drawback philosophy, here? 

And looking at that... 

These options grant points rather than costing them. They represent inconveniences or mitigations of existing advantages.

Not sure it inspires too much? Something that makes it - a required playstyle could be interesting? idk if that even - counts as the kind of thing that you could reasonably put in. 


I think I can do that! 

Let me see... 

Name: The Listener - Grants: +2
(Requires I Can Fix Them.)
Your friends and colleagues treat you as their therapist and confidante, sharing all of their frustrations and feelings with you, with the expectation of privacy, professionalism and unconditional empathy. 

Name: The Fixer - Grants: +2
(Requires I Can Fix Them.)
People you care about with complicated and fraught relationship with important people in their lives instinctively understand that those issues are something that you are capable of resolving, even if it would otherwise be a hopeless prospect, and find it easy to expect you to resolve their issues. 

Name: The Redeemer - Grants: +3
(Requires I Can Fix Them.)
When (and only when) an opportunity for a really great story arises, methods of dealing with an issue that do not involve reaching out with the power of love to make people wholer and kinder to themselves and/or others will be closed off for you. 

Name: (Technical) Pacifist Run - Grants: +5
You are incapable of personally resorting to violence, except for immediate, personal self-defense or as a true last resort after exhausting all other options. 

Name: Pacifist Run - Grants: +3
(Requires (Technical) Pacifist Run)
You are incapable of resorting to violence, even as a last resort or through others.




All of those are v. good! 

Even if like, the pacifist-y ones seem to be the kinda thing that I duwanna pick up in vast majority of the kind of things that I'm picturing, largely? So many of the shiniest options in my head rn are a lot fightier. And... the first two are in fact a lil bit scary? But I'm totally mentally presuming that I'm taking The Redeemer in the standard builds, at least ^^

Mostly just mean it in a - broader game design-y sesense - can see the appeal for all of these, and they're shiny and in theme and all. 

Pls remind me to take a look at variants of this kinda thing too. The structure of some of these are the kinda thing that I'd wanna go and poke at...


I'm glad you like them! 

I'll do my best to remind you about those things! I'll write a little note in myself now, in fact... 




Name: True Love's Kiss - Cost: 1
By kissing your true love, you can break any curse, heal any injury, and cure any illness. The same works in reverse.

This is v. cute ^^ 

Also reasonably practical too! That's p. broad, if not nesscarily a universal perfect healing power or something, and the utility in terms of getting to work better yourself is nice. Still, idk. The - scope of healing stuff that's my jam isn't nesscarily thaaat  broad?

Hard to say how much of a taker this is w/out staring at a full build or somethin'. 

Name: Planned Parenthood - Cost: 1
You can only have children if you actively and specifically want to. Your partners will understand this and not worry too much about it.

I get why someone would care about this but abortifacients exist? And solutions elsewhere too, like meds that mess w/ fertility cycles, morning after stuff and condoms or whatever. Hecc, I can probably improvise a solution to this w/ DFEW, right? Just like, copy a dearth of interfertility w/ any given thing I fuck from a squirrel or something? It's relatively cheap and presumably has a perfect protection and all that makes more exotic possibilities impossible but eh. It'dn't even be the worst if that happened, and I'd feel hypocritical taking things like that if I'm not taking like, Immunity System, iirc?

Name: Two Become One - Cost:
(Requires Planned Parenthood)
When you have sex, it is always special and wonderful and beautiful. No one ever elbows anyone in the face or makes undignified noises.

Name: Bop It - Cost: 1
(Requires Two Become One)
The mysteries of another's body are an open book to you, and you always know exactly how to move and touch in order to please someone in bed. prereqs ^^

The relation is pretty loose? I unno what'd make one require the other. 'm already p. invested in some perks that'd help w/ that and all but - idk the contours of negotiability, here? 

I'm presumptively taking these both, btw, so don't worry about fixin' the dependency here? 'm ok w/ spending a bit more on - sex and sexuality and all, if that - matters at all. 


I can see the problem... 

I don't think I can quite just make it work with The Fairest Of Them All? 

The connection that makes it work is about - having the experience be something that's positive and unspoiled, and one thing that often comes up is that it can't be like that, if you're risking having a child that you aren't trying to? I think the perk needs something that disconnects that case from what it's trying to do because of how it's framed to work from a prerequisite, or to be tweaked a little further away from the way it worked before? 



That's a bit awkward to fit but - 

She rolled her shoulders, and tapped at the page, trying not to let her cheeks blush too too warm. 

So -

I wanted to... pitch a perk that did something - related? I've - gotten pretty invested in - 

Sorry, I have no idea how much - background in these ideas that you have, I'm just gonna gloss it a bit and hope that covers enough for you to reach out for the right kind of thing - 

...Experiences of sex that aren't - the kind of thing that'd help make a baby, say. Stuff in text, stuff that's - about different, related emotional drives, that's connected to - feeling out weird states of relationships and social dynamics and interesting physical sensations that may or may not be too too related to genital on genital Stuff:tm: and... 

It's very important to me, but... 

It's hard, for a lot of people, and in a lot of situations, just because - there's specific things that people get out of exactly specifically Sex:tm:, and sometimes I really feel like - the stuff I do with those people, in those times, really ought to give those feelings, and that - programmed reward in the body, yeah? 

Sometimes it kinda feels like a gender thing, to be honest - like I'm - dysmorphic about not having the - parts of the body or lizard brain that would accomplish that? Goddesses know that I felt a ton of that around - not quite feeling the way that I felt I ought to feel, before I got on estrogen. in case you're not familiar, that's a (class of) hormone(s) that humans and probably a bunch of other animals have in their brain chemistry across genders, but is strongly associated with femininity and as is typical is also related to a bajillion other biological things. People take it here, when they wanna have a more girly body, 'cause more thorough options aren't - available. 


so yeah? 

Thoughts pls? 


Let me think....


I've got something! 

Name: GGG - Cost: 4
Your true love will be willing to try just about anything you suggest in bed, and if you really enjoy it, they'll really enjoy it too.

Name: Sensual Service - Cost: 1
(Requires GGG)
Worshipping you is its own reward. Serving and submitting to you is at least as pleasurable and orgasmic as selfish sex, and dominating and domineering has its own primal physical joy and pleasure when you are involved. Your true love will come to experience this even outside of their relationship with you as they grow closer to you and their sexuality. 

Name: Two Become One - Cost: 1
(Requires Love Dodecahedron)
When you have sex, it is always special and wonderful and beautiful. No one ever elbows anyone in the face or makes undignified noises.

Name: Bop It - Cost: 1
(Requires Two Become One)
The mysteries of another's body are an open book to you, and you always know exactly how to move and touch in order to please someone in bed.

This should work! Some of these were already worked out by other mes, I think. 

GGG is a different perk that is on the standard list, but I think it still sounds like something that you'd appreciate? Two Become One was a little odd, but I was able to get it to work with the logic of Love Dodecahedron. It'll lean a little more to being about why you're special and why you're worth overturning the usual rules, rather then the safety? But I think that Potent Presence should tie in with it, and make it feel safer based off of all of the ways that you'd help your partners out, too. 

I don't refactor requirements too much, and it feels a little stickier then making new, distinctive perks. The Spirit tries really hard to make the advantages that it offers as available as possible, but sometimes that's really hard to do without making it much more expensive, so the requirement is maybe a bit high, but you've already sketched out a lot of your build so! 

I hope it comes out how you were hoping. 

I'm sorry that you've had a hard time about that... It's important that you get to be the type of person you want to be, and get to express yourself in the ways that mean that much to you without that pain. 


A little wry chuckle slipped out of her lips.

'Without pain'... 

I get the angle, but she's really an innocent lil sweetie, isn't she? 

...She gives her a quick hug, and then plops her back down to do a little lightning round. 

Name: The Princess And The Dragon - Cost: 3
No matter who or what you're trying to sleep with, the logistics will all work out, somehow. Arbitrary differences in size, biology, temperature, substrate, and underlying physics can be gotten around with sufficient creativity and determination.

Nah. I think it's too feasible to do w/out, w/ most magic-y stuff? Also DFEW should cover this well enough for most practical purposes, or Sensual Service, if I wanna go for that kinda thing. 

Name: Before Your Eyes - Cost: 4
In your presence, people become willing to experiment sexually in ways they normally wouldn't. For some reason this applies especially well to boys kissing each other.

Ehhh. I feel like this is more or less just a - reangled clone of GGG? I like the idea of it being a little more - intimate, I guess. Oh and - while I'm at it, can I let GGG be at least like - kinda reciprocal? I'm not sure that I want it to be all the way there but - getting to enjoy their weird ideas seems fun, if I love them and trust them and - want to give them something funky and nice, even if it otherwise guarentees that I'm inta some substantive chunk of their kinks. 

Name: Fated Lovers - Cost: 3
You will meet someone who will go on to become your true love. If you enter a specific universe with a specific target in mind, you'll meet that person under favourable circumstances, and if it doesn't work out with them, this power will keep introducing you to new possibilities until you find someone who's right for you. If you're the sort of person who can have multiple true loves, you'll keep meeting new ones until you have enough.

This would be super tempting if uh. Love interest and the harem line didn't exist? As is, it's p. redundant w/ them - all it does over and above beyond general synergy shit is guarentee that I can get good first impressions but fuck it, if I can't make a good first impression, I deserve to have the lil extra complication? Like the semantics better over there anyways. 

Name: Sorry About That - Cost: 3
Your true love will be extremely forgiving. Even if you make mistakes or act thoughtlessly toward them, a simple apology will mend things between you. They may expect you to try to improve, but they'll be infinitely patient about how fast that improvement takes place.

Name: Excuse Me - Cost: 5
(Requires Sorry About That)
All your friends will be just as forgiving as your true love.

Name: Tragic Backstory - Cost: 8
(Requires Excuse Me)
Something terrible happened to you in your past. Anyone who hears about it immediately forgives you for any and all bad behaviour in the present. They will not expect you to grow or change, and will continue sympathetically excusing whatever you do indefinitely.


She lets out terse sigh, and closes her eyes, trying to cool the venom heat in her voice and the tension in her wrist. 

I understand why an ok person would take this line of perks. I know - probably, people who would take something like this, w/ some renegotiation of the premise to - resonate with their pain and what they - can, in fact, do.  I know what it's like to be  - really down bad, for sympathy and empathy and restraint and accomodation but. 

Wow do these perks really really not appeal to me at all. 

...At least in the context of the uh. 

The rest of the perks existing. 


Taking Fated Lovers can also help improve the quality of the pool of candidate lovers too, along with helping with the first impression, but it makes sense that it might not be one of your highest priorities. 



Oh ok. 

I think that - the vision of what - selecting the right world w/ isekai roulette does helps a lot with that? But still like. 

That's on the list of maybes. 

Name: Sense of Style - Cost: 4
People who are romantically interested in you will start dressing more to your taste. The more romantically compatible they are, the better they'll be able to guess exactly what to wear to catch your eye.

Name: Bonus Style Points - Cost: 3
(Requires Sense of Style)
Luck will shine on anyone trying to dress up for you. They'll get their hands on outfits they couldn't normally afford, their clothes will fit better, and in extreme cases they might even find themselves able to change shape, sex, or species—though only in ways that make them more, not less, comfortable in their own skin.

Oh that is a sexy idea. 

It's expensive tho and I feel like I've probably used up most of the room I have ^^ 

I feel like - I would probably mostly only take this in the context of like - leaning into having like... my admiration and favour be a currency, having - 'dress' be something intricately involved in power and prestige and effiacacy and culture, or - something like that, and be taking the full line. I don't really really see myself taking just the first one? It's nice but just uh. 

If I really want to, I can probably just like. Give my gfs nice outfits to wear ^^

And obviously that's not quite as good as the power of the spirit, but it's enough for me for something more - secondary? 

Onto the user story list ^^ 

Oh and... 

I shouldn't just - forget to tally up points now that I thought of doing that. 

Can we get a pt tally w/ uh... 

The big ol' package of the stuff I was counting up before I started on power of friendship, plus the love interest line, flattery, time enough for love, the bundle of stuff we figured out for the sex perks?

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