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senior year woo
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There is in hers. 


Liesel's is tighter, but she can afford some extra practice. 


It's a good idea.


Yeah; worth some rescheduling, and it's not like they have to worry about classes right now.


Sounds like it'll happen. Cool.


The gym's spoken for already, but there's other places they can work - the library for book work and theory, the larger empty classrooms for some practice...


The practical seems to be the issue at hand.


At least initially, yeah, though they'll want to pause and talk tactics every now and then. 




Classroom, then? 




Okay, she is pretty cute.

Where Liesel proves to be a bit - just a bit - intense about training and planning and drills. 


That's a good thing here.

Dani's just glad she's not in an actual alliance with her.


She's going to make sure they're all in shape regardless. 


Awfully considerate.


That's her alright. 


There's others in the school who could benefit from this.


"Adding more than another small alliance would get unwieldy." But she furrows her brow anyways. "Though yesterday - I saw Li Xunyu making multiple runs with different groups each time, and this morning she was going with a larger mix-match of the previous day's groups. The school hasn't locked her out of the gym for that yet." Usually a major risk if an alliance does more than three runs a week. "They don't seem to be organized into smaller alliances, either."

Hmmm... "I don't know if what they're doing is even going to work - but if they're planning very large alliances cutting across their sphere," it'd give them a massive boost to recruitment within the school if it works for the obstacle course runs, "Then that might be why the school is going so hard on the obstacle course - the largest group I saw her with this morning seemed to do okay. A lot better than we did." That cloud of attacks would be weaker against a large, coordinated alliance that can put shielders in a ring on the outside and people with broad scale attacks (that don't need to worry about getting picked off) in the middle. ...Ugh. "If the school's indexing runs to what it thinks the average group will be..." Then if Shanghai runs more powerful groups through, that will fuck up everyone else - and drive even more people to come crawling to them for help. 

...And if it really works - if it gets Shanghai's sphere more or less intact through the graduation hall - then if London and New York don't get their act together, that might be the beginning of the end for their dominance on the world stage. When push comes to shove, people will care about who gets their kids out the gate - not about who they've been allied with or loyal to before. 

She hadn't thought Li Xunyu was particularly ambitious nor even all that clever. She hates realizing she'd underestimated someone - even more than she'd thought she'd underestimated her the day before. 

She sighs. "Then the runs might get harder in future weeks, if Shanghai runs progressively bigger and more powerful groups."


"We were already planning to help other indies with their practices. Seems like you might want to as well."


Thoughtful frown. "You're planning to do that separately from this?" She gestures around to the group they currently have - mostly London and their allies.


"Wasn't sure whether you'd want to participate."


"It's a good idea."


"More palatable this year than otherwise."


"Yeah - we're a lot less hostile with each other than normal, honestly."


"We've all got to get through the same hall, right?"

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