The nicest thing about graduation, Bea thinks, is that in the brief window after breakfast and before the flames burn through, most of the mals are migrating down to the graduation hall. So it's possible to let one's guard down slightly more than usual and not feel too bad about it. And if you go two to a room instead of separately to wait for the cleansing to finish... it's not like curfew's being enforced.
senior year woo
Where the posted rankings reveal that Liesel did, in fact, make valedictorian -
But above even her name, there's a small plaque that says:
Algernon Dandridge Sinnet Prize for Special Achievement in Sanskrit Incantation is awarded to:
Luthien Higgins
Tinuviel Higgins
"There's prizes?" is the first thing out of her mouth on seeing that.
"They're incredibly rare, and no one really knows what the exact criteria are. Sanskrit Incantation... I haven't heard of that one."
" - Bet it's related to them translating the Golden Stone Sutras." She somehow doubts those two stopped and set the book aside after their auction of the phase control spell.