"So We can be, but mostly not. If someone, now, took some soil from this place and brought it back to Voa, it would just be regular soil.
However, I can choose to put a piece of Myself in this soil. Said soil will become (holy earth) embodied-earth. If one took this soil and brought it back to Voa, it would permit Me to communicate with them as though they were in my territory. If this soil was then poured onto Voan soil, it would permit Me to claim territory in it. The process of claiming territory discharges the embodied-earth, such that it would no longer contain a piece of Myself – the piece having expended itself to claim territory.
I only create embodied-earth when it is necessary. For example, when My ambassadors claimed this territory, they had to do this pouring – ambassadors of landscape-superbeings mark themselves so by carrying embodied-material with them in vials. Later, I created embodied-earth for them to refill their vials. I have not created embodied-earth since.
I would not want my embodied-earth to touch pollutants. However, it is less problematic for earth that simply happens to be in my territory to become polluted, because I can simply teleport it to be incinerated by lava.
In any case, it seems that it would be better to speak to experts about this. Do you have an estimate for how long it will take for the other countries' ambassadors and the pollution experts to arrive?"
It's not a lie, but only in the sense that gods can't represent the experience of creating holy earth and claiming territory accurately to mortals with mortal language.