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pirates celestially forging in Mareth
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"...I... wasn't into it, though? I don't regret it, it was worth doing, but it might've been the hardest thing I've ever done, and I can't... I can't be that person, for you. I can't be someone you can do that to."


Oh. This conversation.

"Torok... that was obvious. Maya or Neo might be interested in trying being that person for you, especially if you sparred with Neo first, but of course you can't be on the receiving end of that. You adorable, silly boy."

She shakes her head, then kisses the top of his head. "That's one of the advantages of being polyamorous. If I want to try that sort of thing with someone, I find some cute girl who's into that sort of thing. If we're really lucky, she's into you too."


"...okay," he says. "I guess I just... when I try to picture what you're into... I keep just remembering, that? And it's not, uh. I don't... it's hard to think past it."


"Torok, I'm into things that aren't remotely safe to try, even in Mareth, even with the protection of souls. I'm used to not getting to have all my kinks with one partner. None of my kinks stop me from enjoying good sex with a gorgeous partner. I haven't even broken in this new body properly yet."


Hesitantly, "Okay."


"Torok, I'm into emotional connections more than I'm into sex. Sex is great, but just being with someone I care about is more important to me."

She hugs him tightly. "You're clearly a dominant. I'm a switch. Maya's a submissive. My being a switch makes this very convenient, because I can probably work up to enjoying the receiving end of that."

She boops his nose. "Now either tell me what else you're worrying about, or don't worry and just hug me. Take your pick."


"...I don't... I mean I can guess, but I don't know what those words mean? I've never heard them used like that before. ...maybe I should just not worry and hug you."


She smiles, giggles a bit, shakes her head. "I shouldn't laugh. Earth has been doing unusual kinds of sex for a long time, it's not remotely your fault your world hasn't come up with all these words yet. Okay, so there are lots of ways a person can be different, sexually. There's an axis of people who like to control or give orders versus people who like to receive orders. That's dominant versus submissive. Someone who likes both is called a switch. There are people who are into giving pain, sadists, and people who are into receiving pain, masochists. There are people who like penetrating, or being penetrated, typically called top and bottom, with someone who likes both being called verse. There are people who like bondage — this is correlated with dominance and submission, but not all dominants and submissives are into it. Then there are even weirder kinks than that, which I won't start listing unless you ask me to. I am into pretty much the entirety of the preceding list to some extent or another, and a few more things besides."

She kisses his cheek. "You are not going to scare me off or disappoint me, Torok."


...he smiles a little, but then shakes his head. "I don't... think this is about disappointing you, exactly? Maybe a little. I think I just... don't know what to think, about a lot of things."


"Well, none of us mind questions, and we know a decent bit about some things, so don't hesitate to ask, or share your thoughts if you want us to talk through 'em with you."

She snuggles closer.





Their boy is complicated and needs lots of snuggles to help him put himself back together, clearly. That's okay, though. They have lots of snuggles to spare, her most of all.

She snuggles Torok close and just rests there with him for a while.


This is a good and comfy way to be.


It really is. She could stay here for a while. It's been a long day, so she might even drift off, even.


...yeah. Yeah, good plan.



With dawn comes the closer approach of the constellations again. Some piece of their soul once again reaches out from their mindspace to grasp at a star. It connects, clutches the burning sphere of power tightly, and reels it in. Once again, molten starmetal pours into the grooves and channels of their soul or souls. Once again, power is hammered into place, a thousand blows in a momentary eternity as it cools.

Techy (Code Geass) 300

From Knightmares to guns, you know how to build and improve Geass tech.

Sable snaps awake instantly, blinking abruptly, and then groans for a moment as everything from mecha to guns becomes accessible on a whim.


Torok stirs sleepily beside her. "Y'okay?"


Oh shit.


<That was an oversight,> Hailey chides, giving Sable a Look internally.


And she was too groggy not to show the shocked expression earlier. There's probably no playing this off, is there?

"Um. Overall yes, but a very odd thing that happens to us every dawn happened again and woke us up, as usual."




She's definitely embarrassed. "We have a weird thing that's been happening to us since we landed in Mareth. It's safe, as far as we can tell, and the explanation can wait until after we've had breakfast if you'd like, or it can happen now."


He yawns and rubs his face a little and sits up.

"Okay. Hi. Good morning. Uh, now that I'm more awake I realize that actually it's kind of a dick move for me to be demanding you explain your weird thing, so, you don't have to if you don't want to?"


She stretches. "Given that we're planning to involve you in reinventing things, it would become obvious eventually. Hazel will probably find out too at some point."

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