Woof. Okay. Time to update his mental map.
It's, at least, Leviathan versus Eclipse. It's interpersonal, and interesting, something he can really sink his teeth into. Dupes, break-ups, betrayals-- it's got all the trappings of a good story, a good video. Fit's played this type of game. It's higher stakes, here, slower burn given the timescale Ro's given him.
...Increasingly, though, Spoke being like that is bugging him. It's not quite bugging, actually, but it feels like it shouldn't be a thing to ignore at all, even if he's balancing everything else at the same time. Spoke has op. He's not calling it full-backdoor, not yet, but even with Eclipse removing every single end portal and Leviathan finding out how to stop time, those are realistic. Insane, granular, intimidating, but realistic. Whitelisting people is not. Making weird, immortal endermites is not. Having bedrock is not. He should really talk to Parrot. He'd like to talk to Ash, and he'd certainly like to talk to Spoke, but he'd love to talk to Parrot.
But what about? He doesn't feel like he has the full story yet. For everything he's gotten about Leviathan and Eclipse, all I want to make Lifesteal a better place and phase one of five, there's maddeningly little on the Wormhole. And he's not actually sure how much he can plumb out of Spoke, either, with these cards in his hands. As much as he'd like to talk to Spoke, it might just be retreading old ground.
Eh. He can message the guy, at least. He does have a burning question.
FitMC whispers to SpokeIsHere: Legend has it someone found a dupe glitch?