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Do these people mind if I tell my dad where I'm going?


Then sure. She can come, she's sort of entertaining and I'm not really worried she's going to seduce me to the dark side with cookies.

Can I mention you said that? I want to taste the cookies she'll inevitably bring.

Well, now I do too, go ahead and relay my remark.

Why does Lucien need to schedule his board game night so close to a city council election. She is very busy, democracy is hard work. 

... Fuck it, she's already got a lock on the majority of the seats and she can figure out things as needed for the others. Now who makes good cookies...


Lorica arrives at board game night without cookies but with a six-pack of root beer to share around.


Tattletale is late!


Lucien is on time. Which isn't very impressive considering it's hosted at his house but he'd have been on time regardless.

"Hey! Lorica!" he waves from where he is attempting to figure out how Missy and Dinah are cheating at Chutes and Ladders. 


"Hi!" She plunks down the root beer on an appropriate surface. "How goes? Please tell me you have something better than Chutes and Ladders. Risk can be fun with enough house rules."


"Missy and Dinah insisted that we had to play, I assume because they figured out a way to cheat. What house rules?" 

What if he spins the spinner where they can't see. 


Then he will still land on a chute!


"Oh, I usually play Risk with some rules about supply and population happiness but it requires extra tokens we made."


"We could pillage some of my other games for spare tokens if that'd work?"


"Sure, you can do a slightly stripped down version with Monopoly money and six-sided dice, but I'm also up for learning new games as long as they are not Chutes and Ladders."


"Risk with Monopoly money sounds good?"

Missy leaves after the (brutally short) Chutes and Ladders game winds to a close, leaving Dinah, Taylor, and Lucien to play Risk+ with Lorica.


She will explain House Rules Risk. Risk populations do not like being conquered if they've been under their previous management long enough and do not like being occupied by large numbers of soldiers and hate being attacked; they are happiest with a light garrison and stable governance and tales of military success by their guys abroad.


"How does being reconquered work?" asks the shy girl who's name was given as Taylor.


"That's what the dice are for, when you conquer a territory you put a die with the one up in it. Every turn you hold it, increment it; when it passes six you can remove the die and it counts like it's been yours all along. Do we have dice in enough different colors - okay, cool, so, yeah, you also decrement a die for whoever held it before."



Taylor can work with this.


During unit placement Lucien proposes an alliance with Dinah - the two of them can conquer everyone else before fighting each other. 

(He's pretty sure that Dinah, the youngest of the group, is outmatched without such an alliance, and he'd like her to have fun too.)


Sure, she can do that.


Lorica's the only person at the table with House Rules Risk experience and she's good at it. She will make short term deals but will generally not go for a long term alliance.


No alliance. Okay then.

Taylor is new to these rules but really good. She can put Lorica in situations where the only reasonable option is to focus on fighting Dinah and Lucien with her. 


Okay, if that's how she wants to play it, sure.

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