Rebecca is going to Lunabella! It's weird but she wants to see cool things and be better-traveled and maybe it's less weird if you see it in practice, a lot of people do reportedly like it there. And it's safe just to visit, it's not like she's going to be swept up by a slave caravan as soon as she bounces onto the moon. So this she does, hopping out of the portal network, silk witch robes whispering against her skin and lovingly-conditioned hair tightening its curls in the light gravity.
Good thing she wrote it all down. A capella concert! Is it one of the ones that invited her to join them?
Lunabellans tend to have more free time than Earthlings, there's more Lunabellans than Americans, and there's a solid intercity portal network such that Rebecca can go almost anywhere public. There is effectively a lively everything scene.
This does seem to be the kind of concert in which you can seat yourself on a broom. For one thing, it lets you stay out of the way of the people who are playing soccer.
There is not a convenient external-noise-silencing effect like the theater had, but it's still nice to listen to.
At one point a soccer ball heads towards the concertgoers, but someone redirects it before it gets there.
Well, the witch might have had one thing to say originally, but now she's rummaging for a magazine, flipping to a page with a color photograph of an adorable red-headed girl in a dressy skirt suit frowning and standing next to a very large and impassive cyborg man in a cowboy outfit, and holding it out. It's mostly in Greek, but there are some English quotes.
The names 'Google', 'Alphabet', 'Amazon', and 'HexVPN' are also present in the article, though not in English sentences.