Rebecca is going to Lunabella! It's weird but she wants to see cool things and be better-traveled and maybe it's less weird if you see it in practice, a lot of people do reportedly like it there. And it's safe just to visit, it's not like she's going to be swept up by a slave caravan as soon as she bounces onto the moon. So this she does, hopping out of the portal network, silk witch robes whispering against her skin and lovingly-conditioned hair tightening its curls in the light gravity.
She has mana saved up but could always use more and is feeling inspired. She will go to the open-performance stage and see if it's occupied.
Then she is going to sing. She has some compositions of her own, and will also do Memory from Cats because it seems appropriate.
This will get her more of an audience than the cellist had at the end of her set, some mana, and some Sending messages.
Does she want to join anyone's choir or a capella group or other organization which could use a skilled singer? Would she like to go on a date with someone?
[I'm a tourist but if you meet seldom enough that I could fit it in around Arcadia classes I'd consider it!] and [I only like boys, are you a boy?]
These people cannot meet Rebecca's standards, but someone will leave a business card in case she's interested after she finishes school.
Sure, that's very kind of them! She aways the card in her sleeve and yields the stage to the next person. She didn't do a forty-five minute set so she can see what they come up with.
Yeah, that's a very fun sorcery trick. Sometimes Rebecca is wistful about not having gone sorceress.
Zoom! Government building! Hall full of people signing forms at desks! Signage saying in multiple languages that she must either sign her Covenants or leave them at the office or face prosecution!
Elf writing on fancy paper in purple ink with a quill! Telekinetic force handing Rebecca two forms with the exact same text the website said they would have, and a pen!
It all looks right, and it's short enough to thoroughly check at speed.
After she signs, one copy of the form is whisked away, but she has the other copy stating she's now permitted to use Lunabellan portals to near-Earth regions of the moon.
She could go to the tour now, but her original agenda called for her to look in on a free a capella concert in this park. It's just that appointment slots for covenants are hard to get.