Rebecca is going to Lunabella! It's weird but she wants to see cool things and be better-traveled and maybe it's less weird if you see it in practice, a lot of people do reportedly like it there. And it's safe just to visit, it's not like she's going to be swept up by a slave caravan as soon as she bounces onto the moon. So this she does, hopping out of the portal network, silk witch robes whispering against her skin and lovingly-conditioned hair tightening its curls in the light gravity.
"See, the thing is, living here without citizenship is sort of like being just a tourist, just for longer. You'll have a hard time doing business and people will be pretty willing to kick you out if there's problems."
"Oh... huh. Is there even a separate citizenship thing that is a thing of its own besides being in a covenant?"
"Not really. Even given the price of hiring and training specialists in it, Covenants magic is really useful."
She is going to go find a nice place to sit outside and hop on Hex VPN to figure out how to schedule all her things against each other - when can she go see the flag, what performances are on when -
People's websites are mostly pretty old-looking. It's as if they haven't heard the good news of CSS-based rounded rectangles. (Forty Turtles is an exception.)
The main constraint on the lunar landing site tour is actually the required Covenant, she'll need to book an appointment for that at a government office. (She can book her appointment online. The Lunabellan government site looks ugly, but it works.) After that, she can technically stop by the site whenever, but if she wants a guided tour there's a more limited range of start times.
It's not possible to fit every single interesting performance into one schedule, especially if she wants to sleep. (If she didn't want to sleep, she might be able to come close, Lunabella doesn't seem to have much consensus on when things should and shouldn't be closed.)
She does unfortunately still need sleep, she did not get the no-sleep perk option. She will narrow things down as ruthlessly as she has to.
How does she feel about doing flying quickly in crowded environments? There's a tempting schedule here which only works if she can make it nearly halfway across some cities within minutes.
She's... probably not going to crash into anyone if she gets enough altitude! And if she gets into a problem situation like that she can turn into a little bird and then fit through the little foot-wide portals she can make. Yeah. She's got this.
Alright! In that case, she can make it to a solid chunk of everything which looked shiny to her, but not all of it.
There's a local play that may or may not be doing last-minute discount tickets depending on how many regular sales they've had. She should check that and then, if it isn't doing last-minute tickets, go to the Arboretum.
Would she like glowsticks for herself or her broom before she heads in? A bio-luminescent garland? Some glow wire or slowly twinkling lights for a minor extra fee?
(Also, she should not throw around bright light unless there's an emergency.)
The leaves of her garland give off a yellowish glow, which is much more visible once she enters the nighttime of the arboretum proper.
There are layers of trees, the lower layers typically illuminated from below and the upper layers with string lights or bioluminescence or witchflame. Dim red witchlights form a ground trail, an aerial trail, and a 'main exit' sign. Illuminated witches on broomsticks fill the air like a full rainbow of fireflies.
The designer of this domain's sky seems to have taken the view that more is better. It's vivid in the way that false-color astronomy pictures are, and the Earth is visible in it, even though it really shouldn't be.