Rebecca is going to Lunabella! It's weird but she wants to see cool things and be better-traveled and maybe it's less weird if you see it in practice, a lot of people do reportedly like it there. And it's safe just to visit, it's not like she's going to be swept up by a slave caravan as soon as she bounces onto the moon. So this she does, hopping out of the portal network, silk witch robes whispering against her skin and lovingly-conditioned hair tightening its curls in the light gravity.
Speaking of show tickets, after this tour she's scheduled to see has a more modern style of musical, with solos from the leads and dance numbers and everything. (And subtitles, this time from a large display near the stage.)
And now she has an unscheduled block. Does she want to check out the open mic stage again, or spend more time in the arboretum, or grab some food, or do something else? There's a lot of options out there.
Well, the very nearest thing is meat on skewers with a fancy cheese sauce. (There's also vegetables and tofu and seitan and such on skewers, but the meat seems to be the main product.)
(Even if she were a vegetarian, she might be fine with conjured meat. It's more for people who like tofu.)
The cheese sauce is pretty weird compared to other stuff she's had. Possibly it's not cow's milk?
Yup. The moon is not made of cheese but there sure is a lot of cheese to be found there.
Are they doing it to be funny, she wonders. She gets a cheese pastry for dessert and brooms to the open mic.
It's not like things really skew towards cheese in general, though she could if she looked find someone selling greenish cheese crescents.
Neat, is it like a jam session anyone can improvise on top of or do they have a planned set?
Huh. She's no great shakes as a dancer but maybe people are just checking her out or something.