[Audience participation thread!] I've done the thread where the Gods try to sway random characters/readers. Now let's do the opposite.
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"I needed to talk to someone who has experience with the world.

I am... in a weird position. Where I don't really have any.

I think it's fair to say I have existed for about five minutes, now."


"Goodness, that seems like a pretty complicated situation to be in!  Do you know if you have a preference, as far as hot beverages go?"


"I haven't tried anything but warm milk and have no other comparison points. Warm milk doesn't taste very good.

Your ship looks very homely"


"Thank you, dear, I do try.  Mmm, let's try a nice herbal tea; it's not like warm milk besides in and of itself being warm, and if it's the warm that's unpleasant, I can fix that.  Would you like to help me make it?"  She fetches a couple mugs, weighing them in her hands; she offers the one in her fleshy arm to Megan.


"Yes I can. Heh.

Should I do it by following your instructions?"


"Or... do you want to see something really weird and shocking?"


"I asked if you would like to, dear," she - chides? - it's not a truly negative sentiment, despite the seeming of reproach - "not if you could, or even if you would.  You are most profoundly not obliged; I am quite capable and willing to handle this myself.  This is merely a choice you could make.

"Part of me is inexhaustibly curious about the weird and shocking thing, I'll admit - but it has been quite firmly overruled.  You don't need to do anything right now, not here - and - the way you said that, I get the feeling that you're still in shock yourself.  So I don't want you to be doing any more weird and shocking things, if that can be helped - not until you've had a chance to recollect yourself as best you can, and process what has happened to bring you where you are.  Obviously you can do what you like, but - if you feel my plans are worth listening to, I would strongly advise taking the time to ground yourself.  Does that make sense?"




For the record, the weird thing would have been making the tea appear our of nothing in the mugs, using your expectation of what it would be. Though I now realize me appearing out of nothing was not actually any more surprising.

I'll help you, though. It sounds interesting. I have never cooked anything."


She nods.  "That is pretty surprising."  But she's not going to go on about it.  That should come in Megan's own time.

"You didn't need to tell me that, dear.  Not that I mind, to be clear; I just want to be clear that you don't owe me anything.  Not information, not power, not even truth.  Nor your continued presence.  If at any time you wish to leave, or to take a moment to yourself - you are welcome to the green bunk, for all that you undoubtedly have many other options for where to go.  Now, let's make ourselves some tea, shall we?"

She beckons Megan over to the kitchenette, gently.


"I see. Thank you very much."

She follows.

"May I ask who you are?"


"You can call me Diana; I think explaining who I am to a five-minute-old might take longer than the tea, but I'll try, if you'd like."  She quirks a small grin at her guest.  "Speaking of, dear, let's fill our cups with some water - but not quite to the brim because it's a pain to drink that way."  She'll demonstrate!  "You can try drinking some water from the mug, if you'd like."


"Thank you."

Megan generally follows recommendations on the topic of brewing tea. If it's meant to relax her, it doesn't, but neither does it annoy her. She has no midichlorians and as such no noticible presence in force; nevertheless she currently has no ability to or desire to hide facial expressions.

"Despite being a five-minute-old, I am capable of parsing language, and have enough context to 'not be confused by obvious things', whatever that means."

"Maybe I should explain who am I instead?"


"If you'd like; I do think a bit of background on what brought you here might help me help you."  The tea-brewing was something she hoped might be additionally calming, but mostly what it did was take time, to put a bit of space between Megan and what troubles her.


('No noticeable presence in the Force' is categorically untrue of anything that lives, including droids - but Diana has noticed the strange ways the Force is, and is not, behaving around this woman.)


(Right. No Living Force presence, because of no Midichlorians, but she sure does have presence in the-Force-as-a-physical-force and the-Force-as-fate, I guess.)

"Well, there was a barely conscious normal human infant called Megan, or more often Meggie, for, I think, about two years.

Then, that infant had a wordless wish to understand noises her parents made. Suddenly, she did. Then, an another one to be able to comprehend them. Then, one to be as smart as them.

The parents passed out when they saw their child suddenly talk to them and then materialize a banana out of thin air.

I have mental capacities of an adult, tiny wordless memories of an ordinary infant from Earth, and a power to make my desires come true, which has "some" limitations, whatever that means, which seem frighteningly generous.

I don't think I am that child anymore in any meaningful sense, though I'm keeping the name. For this reason, I would really rather not alter my mind further.

I froze my parents in time. I don't know what I should do. I can materialize pieces of paper with an answer to an arbitrary question on them, but when I try to get answers to questions like "what should I do", I don't get them. Apparently they don't exist."


"Well, yes, because 'should' is rather an illusion - even when you can investigate possible outcomes with the aid of a Force much more capable of predicting them than any human could be.  There's a thing in philosophy, called the is-ought problem, and asking what you generically should do just runs right into it.  Because - it's generally held to be conceptually impossible, to derive morality simply from the state of the world.  At some point, you have to decide what you want, because the universe doesn't have reasons, when you get down to brass tacks - it just is.

"...Even the parts of it that seem like they have pretty clear preferences have this problem; they arose from something, and that something was incapable of having morality if morality bit it on the butt.  If you ask a cosmologist, we can't know why the universe began."


"Why did the universe began... Hmm."


A piece of paper with "George Lucas wrote a scenario for an action movie series Star Wars" written on it appears in Megan's hand.


"Apparently, this one has an answer. Uh. Somehow.

I don't actually know how my powers work. So I have no clue what that answer actually means, or in which sense was the question interpreted."


"...Well, that's an interesting choice of proximate cause."


"An interesting definition of universe, as well.  And, apparently, confirmation of the world-of-fiction theory in the weirdest possible way.

"...Well, okay, not the weirdest, but it's certainly unusual."


"But that's rather irrelevant to the ultimate question of morality; even if we're actors in a holo Somewhere Else, it behooves us to behave as if we're real, at least in most circumstances I can think of.  There's probably some too-clever-by-half exception, but...don't worry about that unless you're actually concerned that someone's simulating you maliciously."


"That... seems true? 

I should not jump to conclusions anyway. That was just one question, and a pretty vague one...

What do I want?

I don't know what I want. I don't know what emotions and values I have, and I don't know which ones I want to have. I don't want to die or feel pain. I don't know what I actually feel towards other people? I barely understood the existence of other people as an infant. I don't yet really know what "morality" feels like, unless you count feeling bad for my parents fainting.

I have a lot of power, though still not sure how much. Not using is would be a huge waste, whatever is it I want. Using it is a huge risk, whatever is it I want.

There might be urgent things I should do. Reality is big, and things happen all the time and I might regret not doing things this instant.

It's overwhelming. I think. I haven't felt not overwhelmed yet."


"Alright.  Wanting people to not feel bad is a pretty good starting point for a morality, anyway.

"...Can your near-arbitrary power do something to solve the problem where things just keep happening all the time, perhaps?  I know I said no weird stuff, but I think that in this case the benefits might outweigh the downsides."


”That's a thought.

Can I just stop time everywhere outside this room?"

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