The first thing Kybele will notice when she wakes up is almost certainly the enormous pain in her chest. It's not that there's a shortage of things to notice, in the middle of a busy market square mid festival, but that's the kind of thing that really tends to grab the attention. Wherever she fell asleep, she certainly isn't there now.
"I am happy to take paper that has writing on it already. I don't know how what you have now is in those capacities but most likely both! Smoother, friendlier to a pen, if it's thick enough I can thin it out and give you half again as much total surface..."
In that case Kybele can receive almost two dozen sheets and some gold in exchange for doing maintenance on records for stuff that mending doesn't catch and expanding her paper supply via standardizing sheets.
"Do you happen to know what circle that ability stabilizes at for clerics, if it does? I try not to ask Abadar for too much since I'm already near the limit of what I can cheaply do for him, but for the ability to improve my paper supply I'd definitely be tempted."
"- I'm sorry, I don't know that you'll be able to do at all," Ky says, adding the extra paper to her ensemble.
“That’s a shame. I’ll ask, then, but expect to be disappointed. Is there anything else you’re interested in getting, or items you’re willing to sell? We don’t get a lot of goods from the surface, so even some common things have unsatisfied demand and plenty of things will pick up some value from novelty.”
"Healing potions sound like they'd be great to have on hand. I don't have much else on me - we didn't pack for a trip, our departure was far too abrupt - but I could make you little ornaments, say?" One of the sheets of paper turns colors and twists itself into a seamless openwork bauble.
“Hmm. Not much practical use, but what with you being exotic visitors and waving that angel sword around there’s sure to be some value in it. I’m hesitant to spend too much of my coin on something with a value that speculative, though, so I’m going to keep my volume low and my offer a bit lower than if my expected payout was a sure thing. I’ll take three of them at thrice what you paid for the corresponding amount of paper, or a quarter again that for four in most goods.”
She makes three similar ornaments. She has enough paper to make her angel sword a scabbard, now, so that's cool. "I'm afraid I don't expect much call for most of the inventory, but if I think better of that or meet anyone who needs something you carry I shall certainly think of you."
“Certainly! It was a pleasure doing business with you. If you wanted healing but were time agnostic on getting it, stick around for a bit after dinner starts to wind down to catch my channel. Normally I would charge you or them a nominal fee for an extra target, but we’ve just conducted a bunch of positive sum trades and the marginal cost is pretty minimal.”
"I would appreciate that! I have what is apparently a pretty treatment-resistant injury but throwing more healing at it wouldn't hurt."
At this point, Lann returns.
"You're in luck! I caught them just before they got started and told them, so they made sure to make some fish for you. It's not too much longer on the food, either; we've probably got enough time to go swing by the empty hut so you can decide who is sleeping there or not, but then it'll be ready to eat."
He grins.
"I'm not sure what you were trading with Dyra, but I can't remember the last time I've seen her that upbeat. Sometimes it feels like she's a bit suffocated, being down here with us mongrels, but I don't know what we'd do without her either so it's good to see."
"She seems lovely! Though I agree it's possible she'll have more scope for her business up top."
The hut is not, in its details, particularly different from its neighbors besides being abandoned, but it does look reasonably sturdy and insulating. If all five of them try to fit, it'll be a mite cramped, but there is enough padding for each of them.
"I'll sleep outside. I've got warmer clothing than any of you, and Anevia needs to get as much rest as she can so she can heal for the treck up, not to be crammed in like hay in a bale."
"Hopefully it's nothing a channel can't fix, but I'm not optimistic. Walking on it all day can't be great for it either."
"There is a channel this evening, and I've managed to scare up a bit of money to buy any into it who want."
A bit of the tiredness seems to leave her at that.
"Oh, that's excellent news. I assumed they didn't have anyone - most towns of this size won't, on the surface - but that's great news. I'll pay you back whenever we get back to Kenabres; I only have some pocket change for the festival on me, but we've got some money put away for a rainy day that should cover this, and if she's used that up buying out Rathimus' help because Hulrun is too busy there's always money in adventuring here at the wound."
Her stomache rumbles a bit.
"Food. That's important too - we shouldn't keep our hosts waiting."
They do indeed have mushrooms! Both the normal edible kind and some of the excitingly toxic kind, the latter rendered fit for consumption by a casting of Purify Food and Drink. Thankfully, once prepared the fish look surprisingly normal and the taste isn't much different from river catfish. There are also roasted rats and a few kinds of insect on offer, the former of which Lann and Wenduag tear into enthusiastically, and once the meal gets underway there's some kind of mushroom moonshine that Seelah pronounces to taste terrible (but evidently not terrible enough she doesn't go back for more later).
As the meal progresses, Kybele will definitely note some of the neathers looking at her with what might be an uncomfortable amount of awe.
Uncomfortable? No, not at all, she lives for this. She will let Iskander poke all her mushrooms and devour her fish with relish and will if nobody stops her retell the tale of finding the sword.
(Iskander isn't nearly as famous as she is but he has enough mostly-spillover standing to make mushrooms taste amazing.)
Then she can very easily start converting that awe into hero worship! As she continues talking, more and more of the neathers will start listening in.
"That's unfortunate. Still, it's not like there's nothing you can do with mushrooms; you could raise a barrier, or trip people, or grow mushrooms in someone's lungs." She smiles at him. "Besides, perhaps when you've gotten stronger you'll also get some more versatility."
"I'll be able to do stuff with mushrooms, sure, but mostly I'm Ky's support person. Someone's lungs, gruesome."