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Knight Commander Kybele
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"We've got a bunch of priests and wizards here, don't we? Couldn't we just make a new ford, or even a bridge where the river is thinner? Then they wouldn't be able to stop us from going across, and nobody has to be at risk."


"I don't like the loss of tempo it would cause to put a few days to that, especially not if someone's in the process of reinforcing them, but it's definitely a good thought."


"How wide a river are we talking here? I might be able to make a bridge, but I'm not enough of an engineer to do a big one, especially since the paper isn't going to hold up in the water and it has to all be above."


"A little over a thousand feet, at Villareth's ford, but it was chosen in the first place because the river gets wider and shallower there. I expect we could find somewhere half the distance without going too far out of the way, but I'm not sure about a third."



"Iffy. I can try it on dry land by way of a test but it'd be pretty visually obvious, a five hundred foot paper bridge, and give the game away to any spying demons."

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