Knight Commander Kybele
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"Fascinating! I've never got to interview someone from another planet before, though I suppose any questions on that subject don't belong in the Encyclopedia Golarionica. Perhaps a sequel is in order once I publish? Anyway, Areelu Vorlesh is best known for working with Deskari to open the worldwound, though some of her earlier work on hybridization sounds just as fascinating. Last question for the survey; which evil god works with the forces of good to fight against the worldwound?"


"That one I know. Asmodeus. Or at least Asmodeans, as far as I know he doesn't put in personal appearances."


"Correct! Tell me girl, what are your plans for the next few days? I still need to interview some more people to make sure my results are statistically significant, but I have no intention of passing up on a chance to learn about another world from a primary source!"


"Well, maybe you missed it but I've been named Knight-Commander of the fifth crusade."


"I'm sure I heard it at some point, but I don't remember anything irrelevant. Does that mean you'll be leaving Kenabres to go into the worldwound?"


"I believe that'll be indicated from a strategic perspective, yes."


"Hmm. I could just interview you before you leave, but that would make any followup questions difficult, and I'll need more firsthand examination of the interior of the worldwound if the encyclopedia is ever to be a truly comprehensive resource anyway. How do I join your group?"


"Are you suited to fighting demons?"


"Combat is one of the least interesting possible uses of magic, barely above necromancy or abjuration, but I suppose I could if needs must. I'm a third circle wizard, with a specialization in illusions and scrolls."


"I would be delighted to have you aboard and if you need paper for writing scrolls on you will have an unlimited supply."


"Wonderful, maintaining proper documentation means I go through them extremely quickly, not to mention when things get damaged while I'm running away and I need to copy it over. The inquisitors in this city are especially rude about that. I'll get to writing up a list of initial questions while I finish my survey work; where will you be once I'm finished with that?"


"Presuming you finish before we move out, you can find me in the library."


"Wonderful! I'm sure the world will thank you for your contributions to advancing the boundaries of science."

Without a word of farewell, the woman sets off again, presumably in search of more people to interview.


"I certainly hope she is really third circle," Ky remarks to Camellia.


"I'll admit, there's a part of me that hopes she isn't since she seems like she could be... trying to interact with for long periods. But she seems like an extremely straightforward person, so I doubt she'd be offended by you asking for a demonstration."


"Next time I spot her I'll ask. I have the impression casters are an outsized benefit to an undertaking like this one."


"I can't say I've ever run a military campaign, but that matches my impression, especially as they get better at it. Third circle isn't all that impressive as casters go - the strongest clerics in the city are at fifth or sixth, I think - but she might well be the strongest wizard here, unless the queen brought some, and witches don't get all the same spells wizards do."


"And scrolls sound good too, as a specialty to have."


"I'm not sure why, isn't that the trait of wizards it's easiest to offset via buying things? Oh- unless you mean for synergy with your power, I didn't think of that. Have you tried it yet?"


"Not yet, but she seems like she'd be game to try things."


Well, there are definitely worse reasons to put up with someone, especially if it's contingent on their performance actually materializing. Unless Kybele has something else she'd like to do while out, Camellia will follow her back to the library; reading is hardly her favorite pastime, but indulging herself at the moment would be spectacularly ill-advised with all the crusaders around, and even if she defies expectations and doesn't materialize some exciting new event in the near future hanging out definitely beats killing time at home.


She is welcome to come to the library. Iskander is actually reading but Ky prefers to read by just sitting near the section she's interested in, skipping her attention between all the books as they answer or prompt questions.


Even better.




It's a few hours before Nenio arrives at the Blackwing library, her innate distractability having fought a valiant but ultimately doomed rearguard action against the possibility of learning about another world. Despite having presumably spent the intervening time running around with a heavy backpack, the girl doesn't look the least bit tired, as though she had simply forgotten the entire concept to replace it with further manic energy.

"Hello again, girl! I've compiled a list of questions for you!"

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