Knight Commander Kybele
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"I suppose I could at least give out some mage armors... and the temple of Desna does sound pretty safe... but the streets are dangerous at the moment. Let me tell you this, you don't get to be my age by doing things that are only probably safe - I've lost good friends to that kind of thing."


"Come on, Fyllemen, show some pathfinder spirit! I certainly won't be missing it."


The gnome wavers.

"Well, if the watch is willing to provide an escort, I suppose that would be safe enough."


"I can ask."


He nods.

"Is there anything else you need, then? At some point I really need to change the password on that golem, but if you're taking Finnean with you it's probably not urgent."


"If he doesn't mind! I have the angel sword, but Iskander's a little underarmed for the situation. If that's all right with you, Finnean."


“Sure, I don’t mind helping out. What’s your favorite kind of weapon, Iskander?”


"I kind of like poleaxes but I warn you now I'm not actually good at them or anything."


"Not to worry, the same spirit that lets my weapon change forms also gives it a bit of enchantment! It's not a substitute for being good, but it means even a little talent can go further than it would."

The dagger shifts obligingly into the polearm in question.


"Neat. Love the heft." He gives it a small swing.


It's slightly easier to lift than he's used to, but whether that's because of Finnean's traits, that local poleaxes are just designed that way, or that he's gotten a little stronger might be hard to suss out. It certainly seems dangerous.


"And for today, do you have anything on sale you'd recommend for the forthcoming situation?" Ky asks.


"Most of my items here are nonmagical and chosen for their looks and historical value, or magical and famous and thus expensive for their price range, but there are some exceptions. What are you looking at in terms of budget?"


"I'm not familiar with the currency around here yet! I have some gold."


"She should have at least 3000 crowns worth, and I have some of my own if you have something particularly compelling for more than that."


"Well let's see, you seem fine on weapons and you look like you already have a cloak, bracers, and robe. I don't stock much in the way of armor, either - you'll want to talk to Joran Vhane if you're looking for something there. In terms of stuff an adventurer might use in your price range... I've got an amulet of natural armor, to make you harder to injure, eyes of the eagle to improve your vision, a ring of jumping, Gloves of Reconnaissance to let you hear through walls, or a coat of pockets to let you carry more than you otherwise should. I've also got a knight-inheritor's ring I picked up in Lastwall to make its wearer more presentable and harder to injure, a circlet of persuasion, and a set of apprentice gloves for prestidigitation and mage hand I used to use to keep things clean, but it'd take more than 3000 crowns for me to part with them here."


"Oh, how tempting - what will the amulet run me? What does 'more presentable' mean?"


"The amulet is 2200 crowns; a little above the market rate you'd get in Absalom, but the mendevian crown just isn't worth as much if you leave the country. The more presentable bit on the ring is as though you'd fully prestidigitated yourself; it gets rid of dirt, sweat, stains, and so forth, for you and all your clothes. It also lets you bless a weapon once a day but that's pretty much redundant with the angel's sword, and half-train a horse but I've never gotten any value out of that so it'd be odd to charge you extra for it."


"Well, you never know when you'll come by a horse... How much is the ring?"


"I'd sell it for 3,500."


"Oof. For comparison how much does a loaf of bread go for around here."


"I think it's rare to pay over a crown for it, it's one of the less expensive food items. If you're living frugally instead of getting the best stuff, it's probably something like a few silvers? Ten of those is worth a crown."


"People pay in gold for bread around here?"


"When you pay for the best stuff, yeah, though I assume some of that is the labor involved or getting them to make it fresh at the mansion or because some kinds of bread are harder to make than others. I'm perhaps not the best person to ask here, I've only ever been interested in food for how it tastes rather than how much it costs."


"Ah. Yes, if you have a personal chef that's going to be a bit different than going to a bakery. Mr. Fyllemen, another question: do you happen to be in the market for quality paper?"

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