Knight Commander Kybele
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Ky's armored up but having to maintain the cocoons takes some attention and she's not going on the offensive at the same time. The paper can get thicker, thicker than anything you could make conventionally because it'd wind up the wrong consistency when it dried out, but she can't actually make it constrict, she can just take advantage whenever they wind up with their limbs closer to their bodies for other reasons. She dances back from the succubus while she's concentrating on that.


Do you know what goes straight through a succubus' damage resistance? Cold iron, like the rapier she's holding and just enchanted. How about she reminds it of this fact by stabbing it somewhere painful? Perhaps several somewheres.


The succubus is not a fan of this at all!

"Stupid humans, you should have just stayed out of my way! I'll make you suffer for this!"

It switches targets, trying to grab onto Camellia even as she dances backwards.


Which gives Ky an opening to hop close enough that she can blindfold the succubus with suddenly-appearing paper!


That sure does make its job of grabbing anyone harder. She switches strategies, shapeshifting into the form of a halfling to escape the blindfold and tries ducking and weaving between the paper and rapier to get at someone, to no real success. Desperate, she then turns to the weaker of her struggling subordinates and grabs him instead; the man staggers, barely able to stand upright, but the demoness gets a second wind.


Ky can repeat the blindfold trick as many times as she wants within the limits of her attention. Also stab her, that too, does the angel sword work better than the paper one?


Significantly better. The angel's sword seems to encounter as little resistance as Camellia's, leaving it a question of superhuman illustrati strength against ordinary flesh - one that the flesh quickly loses. Once she tries it, the succubus goes down quickly.

The man the succubus drained seems to have stopped struggling, but the other one is still doing his best, albeit with noticeably less strength than before.


"Is there a way to make sure she stays down?" Ky asks Camellia, snugging up the straining cocoon and checking for a pulse on the other guy.


"I don't know of anything reliable long term other than killing that'll keep a succubus out of trouble - they're pretty good at persuading people to make dumb mistakes even without mind control, and they have a lot of mind control - but it'd be an interesting challenge to try. I'd probably have to injure either her tongue or her vocal cords, leave her wings too crippled to fly, and break some fingers; maybe cut her tendons for good measure."


The man is still conscious, if a bit woozy.

"Thank you so much for saving me. I can't believe I walked right into that; I should have known better than to go off on my own just because I saw someone who looked to be injured, and then once they had me I helped them get Jim."


"Anytime, sir, I just hope you make a full recovery -" And to Camellia, "I'm fine with killing her, I just don't know if demons have a way to look dead without being that way. Will cutting off her head do it?"


"Then removing her head ought to be fine, yes, though it's not like overkill is going to hurt. Succubi can fake their own deaths, but as far as I'm aware it's by shapeshifting into a form that already appears sufficiently injured and then people not confirming, not because they can actually shrug off lethal injuries."


"Oh good." Camellia can decapitate her if she wants; Ky will de-cocoon the lucid fellow.


She'll be very thorough.

"My guess is they were both charmed since one of them got out when they got attacked. I don't remember how long a charm lasts from a succubus, but it's definitely days, and if they fell for it I don't know if trying to suppress it with protection from evil will help. Maybe if we could get him to a sanctified temple; how safely do you expect to be able to move him if he keeps struggling?"


"Now that I can focus on him I can wrestle him into a more cooperative shape." She hauls him into shape and snugs up the paper and relieves him of his weapon while she's at it. "Is Iomedae's or Desna's closer to here?"


"Iomedae's, it's further south than it is west."


"He's called Jim?" Ky asks the lucid one.


"It's what we called him, I guess I don't know if it's his name? It's not like we were close, we just got assigned to work together after the attack since it wasn't safe to patrol solo anymore but lots of of our normal partners weren't available; mine just lost a hand, but I think his usual partner is dead or missing. Of course, it's not like patrolling in pairs is safe either if you're going to be an idiot about it."

His voice sounds bitter as he self flagellates.


"Do you want to come with us, catch your breath for a bit before you get a new assignment, provide a witness?"


"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Hopefully it's Stasia or Irabeth organizing things there and not Hulrun."


He winces at the fact that he'll have to explain it.

"Hulrun tends to be, uh, strict about mistakes, but he doesn't usually try to overrule decisions someone else made. Not saying I didn't fuck up, y'know, it's just usually a good idea to stay out of his way unless you're one of the kinds of people he accepts as trustworthy. Paladins, lawful clerics, that kind of thing. I mostly worship Iomedae and I'm strong enough to detect, barely, so it's not as bad as it could be but it's not great."


"Did you fuck up? You were with your assigned partner and you got hit by mind magic."


This seems more baffling than anything.

"I tried to kill you! It's not always realistic that you're able to shrug off a charm, but being charmed has limits; you're supposed to be able to snap out of it or ignore orders if you notice you're being told to do something evil or out of character, but I didn't stop until she attacked me."


"Well, I'm no expert, but maybe next time I should look less threatening somehow."

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