Knight Commander Kybele
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"They're lying! We're the real crusaders and they're the baphomet cultists!"


"No, don't cut the gags! We're pretty sure at least one of them is a succubus, that's why we gagged them in the first place! It's not safe to have them all out and free to use suggestion!"


"So, here's my question, ladies and gentlemen. If they are cultists... then what will burning them reveal?"


"It'll let us figure out which ones of them are demons in disguise, so they can't just fake being dead and slip away once our back is turned!"


"And what led you to suspect these folks to begin with?"


“We caught one of them in the act, trying to convince people to go commit arson. We tried to arrest them, of course, but they pulled a runner, and just when we’d nearly caught up to them the rest of these fellows pulled an ambush on us. Of course, we were less surprised than they’d hoped, and it didn’t go that well for them.”


"And I presume that as soon as some fire is obtained you'll all be happy to take the same test?"


"Of course! We're no demons!"


"Is there," she wonders to the room at large, "any similar test for merely being a cultist."


"Kybele, as much fun as it is to watch you argue circles around them, the person you're talking to has an abjuration up; unless they're really picky about temperatures, it's undetectable alignment, which would be why your paladin friends aren't detecting evil on him."


"Thank you, Camellia." She manifests her paper sword. "Can you check the others too, or is someone going to jump straight to discovering why it's a terrible idea to fight Gazette in a library?"


"None of the other ones have any magic on them, but I'm pretty sure the rest of them are just too weak to detect so they didn't feel a need to bother."


"So, for example, nobody they've tied up is a succubus."


"It's not completely impossible, if they had a reasonably powerful wizard or song sorcerer supporting them, but I can't imagine they wouldn't have better things to do than support these losers and if they did I wouldn't have been able to see through their leader."


Ky is going to free all the captives now.


It takes them a moment to notice, but once they realize the jig is up the fake crusaders will attack! Fortunately for their victims, they're much more focused on surviving the armed and free eagle's watch than killing as many captives as possible before going down.


Ky doesn't actually need to take apart any books, she has domain genesis now, but she can heave entire shelves' worth of them onto people and then cocoon the trapped people in paper wraps like a bunch of parcels.


They're standing in a library, so the fact that this goes poorly for the cultists is in fact entirely predictable. Their leader tries to do something with a... brass minotaur necklace? but they're immobilized before this get anywhere. None of the freed prisoners try to do anything hostile after she cuts their restraints.


Ky can relieve him of the brass minotaur necklace with the tip of her (paper) sword and show it to Camellia inquisitively.


"Yep, that's a holy symbol. Baphomet's, which means he's either a demon cleric or indescribably stupid."


"Gracious. I guess we give these people to Hulrun, then?"


"If we can safely transport them, I'm sure he'll want to see if he can get anything out of them, but the Prelate did give authorization to execute prisoners if they can't be safely held as long as you're willing to testify under truth spell about it in the aftermath. I don't think we'd be able to do that and safely deal with any demon attacks on the way at the same time, but if you think you can hold them yourself I'd be grateful."


"I'd be trying to drag them down the street on a paper sledge, I don't have anything much better than that up my sleeve."


"If the concern is that they'll try and run away or attack us while we're distracted fighting someone else, I know how to cut tendons without dealing any damage that a channel won't fix. It's a bit of a... painful solution, but I imagine most of them would prefer it to dying and I'm sure Hulrun can heal anyone who coughs up enough useful information to be worth a deal. Runs the risk of someone healing them, of course, but it's not like demons or cultists have a lot of access to channels and cures."


"Folks, these are your options! Any input?"

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