The first thing Kybele will notice when she wakes up is almost certainly the enormous pain in her chest. It's not that there's a shortage of things to notice, in the middle of a busy market square mid festival, but that's the kind of thing that really tends to grab the attention. Wherever she fell asleep, she certainly isn't there now.
It's a mess! The square is filled with bodies, human and demon alike, and there are a handful of probably-demons flying a ways overhead. The human corpses seem to be split into roughly three groups: civilians, mostly dead by tearing, trampling, claws, and so forth; some kind of irregular force, which seems to have been primarily armed with glaives, scythes, and crossbows; and of course uniformed guards and soldiers, which primarily had longbows, swords, and spears, as well as better armor. There are plumes of smoke rising from elsewhere in the city and the large fortress at the center of the keep has some enormous glowing... rock thing sticking out of it, but at least the terrifying bug demon from before doesn't seem to be present anymore, nor are there a lot of locust swarms buzzing around. The nearest people to her actively making noise instead of hiding seem to be past this next street and in the festival grounds proper; there's some smoke rising there too, but also a hubbub of voices and no sounds of metal clashing with metal.
"It looks like things are at this moment reasonably calm. Seelah, Anevia, I'd like you up here to look official for us."
Anevia can lead the way, since Seelah might be a paladin but there's pretty good odds whoever is there won't recognize her. As they get closer, they hear a scream of anguished pain, which is certainly not a good sign but not absolutely disqualifying; Anevia will move more carefully from then on, and then peer around a the last corner to see what's happening on the festival grounds.
Prelate Hulrun is there, standing on a stage nearby a roaring fire. In front of the stage are various people, some bound in rope and chains, others just held in blace by threat of weapons from the guards surrounding. The guards are mostly the same livery as the better-equipped corpses they've been passing, but there are a handful of people in less fancy versions of Hulrun's clothing stiffening the line. Outside of the stage, fire, and the prisoners, there are two other things of note; a pile of corpses, most of them human, stacked up to the side, and a grimacing pile of people under lighter guard with burnt arms.
Hulrun currently seems to be interrogating one of the prisoners, who has a look of mortal terror on their face.
"Kybele the curator! And Tirabade too, we were wondering where you ended up."
He gestures to two of his subordinates, who escort the person he was interrogating back into the group of prisoners at swordpoint as he heads over to speak with her.
"It's good to see you haven't succumbed to your wound yet, that's the crusader spirit. I'll need to check some of your companions are who they say they are, but that should be quick. And who's this?" he asks, turning to Dyra. "You've captured a demonspawn for me to interrogate?"
"No sir, this is Dyra, cleric of Abadar, one of the population we found beneath the city upon falling into the chasm! Their homes are no longer safe due to the recent quakes and they wish to come to the surface, where I'm sure they will be delighted to contribute to the rebuilding efforts. What are these people here accused of?"
Hulrun's eyes do something, twice over, as he looks at Dyra; whatever he sees evidently surprises him enough that it shows on his face, but he doesn't seem displeased. "Good for her, rising above her kind. Kenabres could use more Abadarans. The city's not safe at the moment - there's still fighting house to house, and plenty of demons have slipped past the lines to hide or disguise themselves among the mortal population, but if they can fight it's safer than being crushed to death. The people here are captured on suspicion of being enemies; cultists, looters, deserters, and of course demons. We've been hard at work sifting out the guilty, although of course it's hard to be sure with the clever ones; those ones over there are mostly clear." He gestures at the group with burnt limbs. "In a couple of days things will calm down enough that we can spare the channels to heal them safely, and they can return to their lives under supervision, but if we let them loose while the situation is this chaotic we'll have to recapture some of them."
"Understood. Then your advice would be not to bring noncombatant neathers to the surface at this time?"
"Not unless it's about to collapse. They'll be attacked by anyone looking for easy pickings, and if the demons start pretending to be them it'll be harder for me to notice - not to mention any cultists among their numbers."
He turns to Iskander and Camellia.
"I'm low enough on spells that I'll have to trust you to know whether your brother is a cultist, and I'm fairly sure Camellia isn't unless she's given you some sign, so we just need to make sure that neither of them have been replaced by demons while you had your back turned. I'll need you two to stick your hand in the fire; we'll heal you afterward if it burns you, but it's a foolish risk to take and we don't have enough holy water going spare to use that."
Camellia looks faintly mutinous, but not nearly enough to try and argue with prelate Hulrun in a crisis from inside sword range.
"Camellia has not exhibited any obvious signs of being a cultist, and of course neither has Iskander. It seems like it might be easier to control the damage if we touched a hot coal rather than an active flame, or do I misunderstand the purpose of the exercise?"
"Demons are resistant to fire; some of the stronger or more clever ones can fake it, but you'll catch a lot of them by forcing them into flame and then seeing if they get burned. Coals work fine if they'll definitely be burned from them, but you don't want to grab something too cool and then end up with a false positive from not being burned."
Anevia has enough control of her face to not let on how incredibly distasteful she finds this entire process, but some of it is leaking into her voice.
"You're fine, I can tell you're Good. Any demon strong enough to fake that result isn't going to get caught out by the fire anyway, it would be a waste of spells. The same goes for Tirabade and Seelah. It's just those two that don't give a read, which is much easier to fake."
And one of the guards will place his hand on their shoulders, praising Iomedae, and they'll be healed! He looks grateful to finally have a chance to actually help someone.
"By your leave, then, we'll go back down and let them know that things are still somewhat chaotic up here. I will leave the ladder in case of sudden quaking making it more urgent that they come up, though. Where would you assess I'm most needed?"
"If your paper can exert significant force, there's a lot of collapsed houses and rubble in the streets it would be valuable to move and difficult to do by hand. If you can fly or use long distance attacks and are confident in your strength, doing something about any of the Nabasu or Vrock hanging around would be immensely valuable but my guess is that they would kill you if you tried. If you have some form of truthtelling or can tell when people are evil, there's always plenty of call for that; Dyra, if Abadar gave you any zones of truth this morning I'll pay above normal market rates even if they've got an easier save - Rathimus is too busy to sell me his. Otherwise, I recommend linking up with the army or eagle's watch and taking the fight to the demons - last I heard, Tirabade was preparing to take back the grey garrison later this afternoon. Oh, and if you catch sight of Ramien or any of his Desnans bring them to me, they're wanted on suspicion of treason."
"I'm afraid I didn't prepare that, Prelate. I have two of Abadar's truthtelling but no zones of truth."
"Ramien, Prelate? Surely you're joking - I know you've had your disagreements, but Desna is a Good goddess and Ramien has always worked for the wellbeing of Kenabres!"