The first thing Kybele will notice when she wakes up is almost certainly the enormous pain in her chest. It's not that there's a shortage of things to notice, in the middle of a busy market square mid festival, but that's the kind of thing that really tends to grab the attention. Wherever she fell asleep, she certainly isn't there now.
"Hmm. That's better than most light armors, at least. A mithral breastplate or chainmail would be tougher than that, but even they're going to be noticeably heavier and there's no way they win on price. Probably a no on mage armor though; unless we're fighting something incorporeal like a shadow demon, getting someone to use magic vestment on your current armor would get better results."
"I can probably improve the design, too, I'll try some things and thwack them and see what happens."
"Thank you kindly."
Is it lunchtime? Ky thinks it may be lunchtime. She will collect Iskander for that.
If she's eating now it's honestly a bit of a late lunch, but presumably she's capable of tracking down her brother and its not like the restaurants, taverns, or the like have closed already.
Food, and then back out to hop roofs and see what's what in all the places her attention might conceivably be called for. How's Jhoran Vane doing? Has Harmattan finished his interviews? What's Ramien up to, or Daeran? Does Irabeth need anything?
Jhoran Vhane has mostly taken apart and stored his forge, but he still has his anvil out and is hammering away at what looks like a sword, though if so the temperature he's working at is remarkably low. Whatever it is, it's not distracting enough that he doesn't notice Kybele dropping by, though he doesn't interrupt unless she approaches.
Ramien is back as though he hadn't disappeared earlier, moving between groups of ordinary soldiers. It's not noticeable except when he's moving, but he gets between places as though hurrying without ever seeming to rush.
Captain Harmattan is not busy, though from the travelers visible in the distance headed towards his gate it's a clearly a temporary state of affairs.
"I'd happily take Alex; ideally with him under a more experienced regiment commander, but we don't have enough of those in supply so we'll have to do without. Victor, on the other hand, is very green; his personal combat skills are up there and his gear is good but I don't think he has much experience leading men against anything that can actually think. If it were up to me I'd make him spend a stint without a commission as he learned the ropes before making him a cornet but I don't know how much you need their liege's support or what your second choice's backing would cost you. A commission wouldn't be a disaster, at least."
"I wouldn't call myself spoiled for choice just at the moment. Is there anybody he could be placed under who'd get him up to speed well?"
"I could find someone, yes. We don't have as many people like that as I'd like but we do have some."
"I can try to sound out their sponsor on admitting him without the commission and see if there's anyone else like them sniffing around for opportunities to compete with them. Thank you for doing the interviews."
"It's not a problem, I understand that we need the army we can get more than we need a perfect army we can't contain. Getting them in with a cornet position would also make my life easier than a full lieutenancy, but if neither are tenable I'll work with what you can get me. Inheritor go with you."
When she arrives at their previous meeting place, none of the nobles from before are anywhere to be found, but asking around reveals that the baron has a place in the middle city southwest of the Arendae mansion. The entranceway has armed guards, but when Kybele arrives a servant opens the door and the guards step aside to allow her past; she's either expected or high enough status that they're unwilling to make her wait.She's lead to a relatively small room off to the side of the main hall, with two chairs and a table.
"Pardon me, milady, the Baron will be with you shortly."
Said baron enters the room a few minutes later, followed by a servant in a differently styled livery bringing tea.
"Knight Commander! It's an honor; may I get you something to drink?"
"I'd love some juice if you have it. I am delighted to report that Captain Harmattan will be happy to grant Alex a commission. In his judgment Victor needs a little more field experience, but might well then be ready for the same, and if he wants field experience he's come to the right place."
The servant steps out, and returns a few moments later with a bottle of sweet apple juice, which he pours into a glass for her.
"Ah, yes, quite. I don't suppose you'd be opening to reconsidering?"
"I worry it'd be doing Victor a disservice too! There are enough demons out there that he can most likely be a veteran in weeks and fully ready to take on a unit of his own, but before that he'd be risking himself, not just his men."
"Yes, blood will win out. I suppose Victor starting as a cornet isn't an unreasonable move. I believe we can expect great things of you, knight commander, and house Gradsky will do our part. Is the quartermaster one of yours, or have you separated your finances?"