The first thing Kybele will notice when she wakes up is almost certainly the enormous pain in her chest. It's not that there's a shortage of things to notice, in the middle of a busy market square mid festival, but that's the kind of thing that really tends to grab the attention. Wherever she fell asleep, she certainly isn't there now.
As one might have gathered from her earlier comments, Nenio is entirely willing to ignore sleep as a factor for as long as Kybele holds her attention, but once that stops being a factor she unfurls a bedroll from her pack and is out like a light.
Then they'll both be awake at a reasonable hour the next day, though Nenio also has to spend time preparing spells. In the city outside there is an air of urgency, with everyone rushing to finish up last minute preparations for their own journey or that of others, saying goodbyes, and boasting about what they're going to accomplish, but even more than that there's a sense of anticipation. Even now there aren't enough people in the city for it to be exactly clogged, the wide streets designed for easy logistics performing their job despite the detours caused by new bridges over the rift, but compared to how it was during the entire rest of Kybele's stay the difference is extremely easy to notice.
Ky doesn't know how to do this. As an approximation she's going to suit up in all her paper finery and run around finding all her senior staff to see how they're doing and if they need anything, in case she can pull a solution out of her conical hat.
Her subordinates are mostly very findable, likely to aid everyone else involved in doing just that! Harmattan has camped out near the gates and is coordinating the stragglers coming in from the surrounding towns, while the baroness and Irabeth are situated outside them getting all the resulting formations an assigned location when they break to camp and a marching order that doesn't leave them too vulnerable to ambush while traveling. Nurah Dendiwhar is meeting with city notables, including Hulrun and Rathimus, to discuss funding, while Wilcer Garms has apparently gone mad with power from having as much paper as he would like and is doing an updated inventory and records system so that fewer things slip through the cracks. Finding Ramien would be a bit harder, but everyone seems confident he's around there somewhere.
Looks like everything is going smoothly! Do any of these people want her to stick around and weigh in on things for longer than it takes her to wave and smile at recruits?
If she's interested in helping with paperwork Wilcer Garms will happily take her assistance, but since he has also hired out most of the city's scribes for the low security bits he doesn't really need to.
Nurah would absolutely appreciate the help, Hulrun apparently doesn't trust anyone not strong enough to detect and she's heard Kybele has fewer difficulties with him.
“About as well as can be expected, with the city as it is. You’ll be bringing some people I’ll be sorry to see go, but with the count going with you to do something useful I’m still inclined to see it as a positive. I trust your last few days have been similarly productive?”
"I've been catching up on local everything - and seem to have caught a bit of sorcery, which is very exciting for me. I'm of course still blindingly new at this, have you got any advice for me?"
“I’m no sorcerer, but I can recommend you try to learn See Invisibility if you can manage it. It’s incredibly valuable and you can’t even substitute for it without a the help of a good illusionist. As for the army, don’t trust anyone you haven’t recently verified too much.”
“Both. You can somewhat substitute the former with alignment but most people aren’t that strong even in an army.”
He doesn’t look at Nurah while he’s saying this but it’s pretty obvious he’s thinking it.
"And I don't seem to have a spell to check it anyway. Is there anything to be done besides just not trusting people?"
“Regular zones of truth will get the incompetent and unlucky ones, irregular checks with enchantment sight and magic circles will make it riskier for succubi, and telling Tirabade to accept inquisitorial assistance would help with the rest. That won’t fully solve it - if rooting out demon cultists were an easy task we’d have solved it long ago - but it’d be hard to manage more without lots of gold or a permanent base.”
She nods seriously and writes all these down. "I'll have to see what Irabeth's stance on the matter might be, I'm going to lean on her pretty hard going forward."
"Speaking of gold for security, would you be more willing to support the crusade if the funds were earmarked for counterintelligence? We have paladins who could ensure the funds actually go there, if that's your concern."
Hulrun shakes his head.
"No. While that would indeed be a noble goal, the inquisition's funds are still spoken for."
"Who funds the inquisition, could we apply to them if they count this kind of thing among their interests?"
"We get funding from Nerosyan, the church of Abadar's contribution to the worldwound defense," he nods towards Rathimus, "and proceeds from the sale of of seized cultist property."
"The Church of Abadar's chief priorities in this matter are that the world not be conquered by demons and that the worldwound treaty be upheld, with the latter result stemming from the former. To that end, we help fund the varying powers holding the wound, arbitrate disputes over treaty violations, and offer more favorable rates on loans corresponding to how much our actuaries estimate the money improves the security of Golarion and thereby reduces risk on our other investments. Unfortunately, as I was just explaining to your delegate here the Mendevian crusades are not traditionally seen as a very safe or effective investment; there's significant limits to the lines of credit you have available and absent additional information or a more reliable guaranteer I'd be pressed to give you a loan under 20%. More, for larger sums."
"Unfortunate. I think back home the advice I'd give to someone with this problem would be to take out small loans and pay them back in a timely fashion, so I'll probably do that when I have specific expenses I expect to pay for themselves. Are there other tidbits I ought to know here?"