The first thing Kybele will notice when she wakes up is almost certainly the enormous pain in her chest. It's not that there's a shortage of things to notice, in the middle of a busy market square mid festival, but that's the kind of thing that really tends to grab the attention. Wherever she fell asleep, she certainly isn't there now.
"Yes, and this is Soot," she says, gesturing to the bird. "Do you need help? You look like you're in some pain, but I can't see any injuries on you, so maybe I'm wrong."
"I actually do have an odd curse wound but I'm coping and channels don't fix it. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to maximize the odds that tomorrow will be a good day, by forming a party suitable to cover an attempt to fix the wardstone."
"I'm sorry to hear that; maybe someday I'll figure out how to help you but I don't know it yet."
The girl looks like she considers it her personal responsibility to make sure everyone is always okay and this is her failing her job.
"The way you say that, it sounds important, and you don't seem like you're afraid so maybe it's a good idea, but I don't know what that means or what you'll be doing."
"The Storyteller - I don't know if you're acquainted - says that the stone can be repaired with some of Deskari's blood. I have a sample. In theory I just need to go apply the blood to the stone. But there's a lilitu in there, among others."
"That does sound hard. I would love to be able to help demons too, but they've spent their whole life learning that the only way to get anywhere is to constantly be willing and able to hurt and betray everyone around them, or else bow their heads and obey the orders of whoever can until that changes, and it's extremely difficult for them to heal from that kind of hurt when they're constantly stuck in the same situation. I mostly try putting them to sleep if they're in the middle of hurting people, but that doesn't last forever and then sometimes people try killing them while they're asleep which makes things even harder."
"- I had not come by the impression that they were able to recover, I'd love to see an example if you've gotten that far with anybody!"
"Mostly I just try to work with helping cultists recover, since nobody will let me keep a demon long enough to see if I'll get anywhere; they all get nervous about the fact that it's probably a trick and I can't guarantee I'll be able to stop them it they change their mind. But they're people, just like you and me and Soot, that can have experiences and change and grow, just ones that have suffered terribly. Is it really so hard to believe that some of them could come to be better and not worse?"
"It seems plausible but I'd never seen one before yesterday so I didn't have many preconceptions either way. Your bird is a person? Hello, Soot, I'm Kybele the Curator."
The crow caws something that sounds affirmative at her.
"He is! Grandmother sent him here to help me, though he has a hard time using words with most people. You can talk to a lot of animals if you know what you're doing, but most of them can't carry on much of a conversation and aren't nearly as smart as Soot is."
"There are people who are very good with birds back home but I think not in quite this way." Will Soot let her pet him.
She is. "What a lovely bird. Would you be willing to help with the wardstone? Even if there's hope for the demons it seems like a lower rate of them appearing would make it easier on everybody."
She visibly considers it.
"If my being there means that less people get hurt, not more, then I probably should. It's important to help people when they get injured, but it's better to keep them from being injured in the first place."
She finishes healing up the last of the people waiting on her help, and is thanked profusely.
"If you're heading around to everywhere in the city that's in trouble to ask the people there for help, I think I should go with you to where the people in trouble are rather than wait for them to come to me. Do you mind if I come with now, at least for a bit?"
It transpires that such an individual is not especially difficult to find; they're working with several paladins (or at least people dressed like it) on excavating a collapsed house that has some people trapped inside. A few of them will greet her when they see her, but not stop their work; they don't appear especially nervous about demons deciding they make easy targets.
They'd appreciate it! Once enough rock is moved for the family to get out and Ember has healed them, one of them will ask Kybele if she's new in Kenabres.
"I am - in fact, I don't even remember how I got here! But there's been too much to do to dive into that mystery. Right now I'm recruiting. I have a recommendation of a Thall! Is that you?" she asks the plumed fellow.
He looks a bit nervous at the question, though he does his best to hide it, and is perhaps a bit upset he doesn't have a good excuse to demand to know who's asking.
"Yes, that's me."
"Thall, if you'd be willing to lend me your strength tomorrow at first light I mean to have a crack at fixing the wardstone. I'm Kybele the Curator, and the Storyteller said I'd be able to."
"I don't know who this storyteller is, but of course I'm willing to help with the wardstone. Anything for our fair city!"
That seems to relax him quite a bit, actually.
“I’ll be sure to be there as soon as I finish my prayers to Iomedae.”
A trio of Schir seem to think that two young ladies, one of them unarmed, are well within their ability to ambush. By the time they notice otherwise, it's entirely too late; Ember puts two of them to sleep mid stride, and even all three together wouldn't be a match at all for Kybele.There seem to be more signs of demons as they travel north, but the area between the festival square and defender's heart is pretty clear, so nobody tries for a repeat.