They're meeting under a big tree in a savannah in an unsettled area of a farmstead planet in Edda. Melda, as the newly promoted team leader, is there first, having made sure the grass is good for Andalites and the temperature good for Amentans and that the bees in that nest over there are sung sleepy, and she waits for them to be couriered in.
Xinai has really good insurance and is also indestructible. For obvious reasons. <Yes.>
Just the once; it was surprisingly well written, but they didn't feel the need to go over it excessively. "Yes, I have as well."
"Oh good. Does anyone want to clarify anything in there, or about how I'm planning to operate the team in general, before we get underway?"
"The handbook said that we wouldn't be punished for checking your decisions with Shipboard, within reason. What kinds of safeguards are in place to make sure that we actually don't get in trouble for something like that?"
"Well, for one thing, they won't even tell me it's happened unless I need to change my behavior, and they'll check with me occasionally about how you're all doing and they'll have a truth spell playing while they'll do it, so I couldn't get away with retaliating for anything you're supposed to be able to do with impunity. If you manage to bother Shipboard enough that they get annoyed, they'll tell you to raise your threshold, but they can rotate in who's taking the reports so no one person is fed up enough to get emotional about it."
"My performance is also assessed by my superiors; if they notice me having made errors that they think you should have caught, you'll hear from them."
"Nothing else on the handbook? Okay. Do you all have all the enchantments and equipment you're going to need to be comfortable in a nearly arbitrary location for hours or days in an environment that may have hostile weather, wild animals, preindustrial sanitation, and other stressors and dangers?" She's looking particularly at Havvi.
"Yes! I also have stuff downloaded on my phone that I might need even though that probably won't actually be a going concern."
This is a rather easier task for angels, as you might imagine
She has a prestidigitator (and can also just prestidigitate things, but the redundancy can't hurt). She and her family went on what the guidebook called a "classic Earth-style camping trip" so that she could make sure she'd be okay and it was fine, mostly.
(...and if things don't work out and she decides not to stick around after this assignment, it's not like she'll be giving up her best chance of ever having children.)
"I should be fine."
"I have everything I think I'm likely to need but it’s conceivable I could be wrong about that."
<I have extensive invulnerability enchantments and sufficient supplies and expect no difficulties.> She also has a handcomp and a small Hazel-made foldbox that looks about the size of a pocket and is loaded up with more gadgets than most houses, because why not, there are demons.
"Okay," says Melda. "If everybody's ready, we can head out to point A. There are actors involved! We're supposed to pretend they're all humans who started industrializing in the last decade or so, for this scenario. Socially engineering the actors as opposed to their characters is construed as mind-affecting magic use and accordingly gets you dinged. If they need to go out of character they'll pull on their ears. Questions about that?"
"If there're no further questions, I believe our first port of call - our landing site, if you will - is over there. Walk or teleport, folks?"
"I'm alright either way, if anyone here has a strong preference."