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native witchawakening!conrad meets with einodia
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In that case, he will wait until at least one indicator light is flashing continuously.




He doesn't actually know how long that will take. And he cannot just hook up his plutonium battery to the MacBook because the specifications specify the current required. He will make a floating camera and point it towards the indicator, having it send an alarm to it once the light is continuous, and then he will go wander the library.


Some shelves were obviously irrelevant to programming the last time he had a look, but might be of interest this time, like Fiction, Poetry, Art Books, and Greek for Beginners. Periodicals seems to even have a different physical format of book.

It isn't all books, though. The library has a stepladder, in case CoNRAD wants to hit his head against the ceiling, chairs (maybe one of which could fit him), and tables, some with writing materials or privacy barriers and one with a vase of cut flowers in water. He might not recognize the purpose of a wheel for rotating between little shelves which maintain a constant angle. He also might or might not recognize the pair of spheres with graticules in stands for easy rotation, one with a grey surface showing craters, another mostly blue with areas of brown and green and white.

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