The clouds are bright overhead, and the wind calm and slightly cool. There is a path made of white-painted wooden boards, with a sturdy wooden railing on both sides. Off one side a whole lot of water can be seen. Ocean, or a large lake. And a steep drop to the smooth rocks below. On the other side of the path is a slice of forest-garden, a mixture of tall fruiting trees, shorter bushes full of berries, and small plants that might be root vegetables or grains. All in full bloom and looking - and smelling - delicious. Voices chatter faintly from within the garden.
"Well, as far as I knew we only have the one. No pain this morning, you said? Any other discomfort?"
"That's troubling. I'll have Doctor Sky come examine you again, if you wish. Though illnesses of the mind can be challenging. Do you say that because you believe you're from a different planet than Scope?"
"No, getting to a different planet could easily have happened, I'm saying that because, uh, yesterday I saw a woman who looked a lot like a furry animal of some kind."
"Oh, no, no! That's an Ejer form. Specialized medical treatments to change your body. Lots of people want to be a woman, or a fox, or just be stronger and more nimble, rather than what they were born with. I'm not surprised if you've never seen it. It's not popular anywhere else, I think, at least not to the extremes we take it."
"Oh. Okay. Then I'm perhaps not hallucinating and am just on the wrong planet for some reason."
"Well, that's good news."
She's not quite so sure, since this talk of planets sounds like the kind of thing Faronites tell people isn't supposed to be taken literally. Not that she's going to mention that.
"I don't know what your prospects of getting home are like, since we've never heard of it, but maybe someone at one of the bigger towns with proper libraries will know more. And, hmm, I don't want to be cruel but if you end up sticking around for a while, you'll have to earn your keep somehow. No rush, not today or tomorrow, but something to start thinking about."
"Good to be in agreement. Okay, I'll have the doctor come see you in a bit, then. Do you need anything in the meantime? What would you like for breakfast? We've got fish stew or spicy pastries today, plus the usual options of oatmeal or plain bread or whatever fruit is in from Maxim's place today."
"That makes sense. Okay, plain bread and fruit, then? I'd like to do some exercises later to see how you're recovering. Even if the body is fine, the mind driving it is the important part."
She runs him through some physical therapy. His body isn't particularly weak, though depending on just how hard his head was hit, he might have some coordination trouble despite some gentle careful magical healing last night.
She will leave and fetch breakfast then. A big ol' hunk of rye bread and a plate full of pale yellow strawberry-ish fruits. They're very juicy and sweet and have a hint of an unfamiliar flavor in them. Sort of like weirdly shaped grapes. "Doc Sky will be by in probably less than an hour. He's the best here for head trauma and brain damage, so we'll see if there's any lingering issues. Touch this panel here if you need anything or notice any new symptoms."
The nurse writes some things in a notebook and then leaves him alone for a while. And then Doctor Sky comes by with the nurse again. He's another not-quite-human person, unlike the old-looking man who treated him last night. He has cat whiskers protruding from his face and a faint dusting of blackish fuzz, and strange eyes.
"Good morning, Kyeo. I'm a little bit concerned about your mental state, since we... Have never heard of another planet that people can be from. So one of us is confused, or else something very very strange is going on. I don't think there's ongoing damage at this point. From our tests last night you are in good physical health. You're tracking things in your environment, expressing preferences, speaking clearly and working fine with the Baron's language disk, and seem coordinated and alert. But it's possible you lost time - that you don't remember some things that happened to you, or that you lost some memories. Something's very confusing still. Where is Ibyabek, what is it like? Are you quite sure it's a planet?"
"Ibyabek is one of the planets orbiting the star Ibyatok, which if it were visible from Earth would be among its summer constellations. I am sure it is a planet. I have seen it from space. It was colonized for resource extraction by capitalists from Old Sohaibek, the first planet in the system to be settled."
"We don't have records of ever being from a different planet. Though until recently, we were unable to travel the oceans, and we found more humans living on this continent when we crossed, so things likely have been forgotten in the arc of history. Do you know how many years ago Ibyabek was colonized?"
"Kelos has records going back much further than either of those numbers... A couple thousand I think. In our years, right, I remember hearing that other planets have different ones... Though I've never heard of anyone who's actually been to one of these other planets. And lived to tell the tale, anyway."
How about some more neuro-type tests? Eye tracking and reflex tests and flash cards and the like.
At one point the stone disk falls off his lap, and he stops being able to understand the doctor until he puts it back.