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Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
Wherefore art thou, Villarosa?
Lila and [REDACTED] awaken in their new lives, and start flapping butterflies' wings.

Our scene opens upon a pale blue dot, set against a field of stars.

It is, regrettably, a simple sphere, and not, for example, the far more sensible arrangement that is a disc, atop four elephants, atop a turtle that can swim through space - though it does, in a sense, swim above an ocean of possibility; some call that the Twisting Nether, where Primordial Light and Primordial Void commingle and give birth to infinite, and ever-changing, possibilities - such as this one.


This pale blue dot is the planet known as Azerosa - a world of wonders, within a realm of romance.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Description
Wherefore art thou, Villarosa?
Enter the Kingdom of Villarosa, as seen through the eyes of [REDACTED] aka Alicia Thorn. Experience fascinating moral dilemmas. Hack the world.

Our scene opens upon a pale blue dot, set against a field of stars.

It is, regrettably, a simple sphere, and not, for example, the far more sensible arrangement that is a disc, atop four elephants, atop a turtle that can swim through space - though it does, in a sense, swim above an ocean of possibility; some call that the Twisting Nether, where Primordial Light and Primordial Void commingle and give birth to infinite, and ever-changing, possibilities - such as this one.


This pale blue dot is the planet known as Azerosa - a world of wonders, within a realm of romance.

Version: 3
Fields Changed Status
Version: 4
Fields Changed Section