Lucien knows some but it might be out of date, he's happy to chat about what he does know.
Later that night he starts figuring out how to PRT-politics up a bigger investment for Lorica. He needs two things to make this happen: the funding, and the PRT's approval of the project. Rather than try to get the PRT to invest the money itself, he can probably get Gallant's trust fund to invest the money if it will save him on his power armor upkeep in the long term - Gallant doesn't care whether someone works for the Protectorate, his girlfriend is Glory Girl afterall. Now the armor couldn't be made wholesale by Lorica probably, and this whole plan would still need the PRT's approval, but what if Lorica was providing these machines which would save Armsmaster time on the upkeep of Gallant's armor? He has all sorts of charts for Armsmaster on how this would improve efficiency. Sure this isn't the most politically convenient thing for Armsmaster to advocate for but Armsmaster has no idea what a politics is anyways.
By early morning Lucien has the basic structure of his budget request planned out, and Armsmaster's seal of approval. Getting the PRT politics to work out isn't easy but he manages to have an informal proposal that seems feasible ready by the time he and Lorica have patrol together.
"- so you'd be providing machines to help with upkeep of these particular components of Gallant's armor regardless of whether you stick around in return for the upfront investment. My guess is they'll ask for toy licensing of all power armor you make in the future for anyone but yourself given that's what they've asked for in the past, but I think if you turn it down when they offer it they'll cave, but maybe be more resistant to future deals."