Knight-Commander Marit
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That doesn't really answer her question.


"If you need a lot of time it's quite likely we can find some way to make it happen," he says. "I also don't want to bring any additional parties in but Possession might work on a clone or a construct...can a possessed person benefit from rest while someone else is controlling them..."


"Possession doesn't work on clones or constructs. I think it's not very restful to be unconscious while someone else uses your body, and the spell doesn't cause unconsciousness on its own... I do expect we could find a way that works better." She doesn't love the thought, and she's not quite sure why. Perhaps it is worry about what Catherine - who knows her secrets and has reason enough to hate her - might get up to if she knew she was alone for a long period of time.


"Well, you'd know much better than I what the relevant spell limitations are. Enter Image suffices for Catherine to - hot tub, or so on, as she likes ..."


"... you knew about that???"


"- I surveil Drezen more or less obsessively. I...ceased observing...when I determined that Daeran was probably not assembling a portal to Abaddon with those roses."


"...Was this... the first time...?"


"I in general have not observed you under circumstances where a reasonable person would expect privacy. Partially so I can tell Lastwall I have no idea what you get up to; they think I'm too lenient about fraternization."


"...Thank you."


"I expect privacy for the next...three hours, you said?"


"I can do three hours."


"Do I need to come back here, afterwards, or...?"


"If you don't I worry I may interrupt you when I can't hold the spell longer, but it's your prerogative."




She goes to find Daeran.


He set the hot tub up in his own quarters, on the balcony; it's snowing, and the snow melting where it hits the water. He is sitting in it looking up at the stars.


" - my lady," he says, mostly concealing his surprise. "I'd get up to greet you properly but I am, in fact, undressed."


"Could you get dressed?" She asks, "At least a robe, I - I'm sorry. I just want to be held right now." It's really much more sincere, much more direct than she and Daeran usually are with each other, but she doesn't have the energy right now to play their usual games.


"- now, don't go apologizing." He stands up, dries himself off, gets dressed. 


"If I do need to be dueling anybody, I do assure you that the prospect of a lecture from Regill will not deter me."


That wins him a smile. 'There's no need,' she means to say, and instead says "I'll let you know." She's not sure whether she means the Knight-Commander for spying on her or Alfirin for stealing her body - the latter would make a lot more sense but right now she's mostly feeling mad at Aspex, for whatever reason.


He's definitely assuming this is about the Knight-Commander, who he absolutely cannot win a duel with, not that he plans to let that stop him. From figuring out some way to annoy the man immensely, at least. 

He'll give Catherine a careful chaste hug.


She hugs him back. "We can lie down, if you want."


"I'm not fussed, really." 


"Well, I'm planning to stay a while," she says, a little more playfully, "and I can't imagine you'll want to be rid of me soon. And your poor feet will get tired if we're standing the whole time."


"In that case, sure, let's lie down." Daeran at great expense had an exceedingly fancy bed hauled to Drezen. He flops on it without letting go of her.


She lies there and doesn't say anything because she doesn't really have anything to say, that would be good for her and safe for Daeran to hear.




"I'm thinking when would be the soonest we can go get Terendelev," he says to Alfirin when they're alone. "I hear that being undead is unpleasant, and the longer it takes the worse the odds she'll want to come back and rejoin the fight. ...I guess I can ask Iomedae, though it also feels awful to leave someone because you know they care about the world enough that they'll endure anyway."


She feels a pang of grief when reminded of Arazni again, and silences it.

"The problem is not just Terendelev, we've handled Raveners before," Not with their current set of allies, but Alfirin's still confident they can handle it, "It's also all of Iz - It's far enough into the abyss, I'm not sure it's wise to rely on teleporting in, and a lot of the demons are organized enough to try an ambush there..."

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