Knight-Commander Marit
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By 'supervising repairs' Irabeth in fact means doing some of them herself, what with how she's the strongest person around. She puts a heavy object where it belongs and then bows. "Captain Aarind. What can I do for you?"


...He has a sinking suspicion he knows why Irabeth was rejected from the War College. He flushes, slightly.  "There's really no need to bow, I'm not in the local command structure - I'm not even sure how your wife knew my rank - " besides, he realizes as he says it, his uniform insignia, and he was being foolish assuming nobody out here in Mendev would recognize it " - The Knight-Commander mentioned that you applied to the war college?"


" - about ten years ago. Shall we go back inside?"


"...If you'd prefer." He'd prefer but he very suddenly does not want to impose on this woman in any way.


(Anevia is smirking.)


"Let me just wrap up here and then I'll come on in. Anevia can show you to a conference room."


"I'd be delighted."


She doesn't make him wait; she's not in fact a petty person. She jogs and is less than a minute behind them. She raises an eyebrow at Anevia, who leaves. 

"I applied to the war college about ten years ago," she says to Aarind matter-of-factly. "Why do you ask?"


"It came up in my interview with the Knight-Commander - for a report I am writing - that there isn't anyone from Lastwall on staff here. And that you had applied to and been rejected from the War College and - I had been wondering about the reason."


"Well, your guess would be as good as mine, I'm sure."


"You didn't get any communication about it?"


"I needed to find a sponsor for my application. I wasn't able to. It didn't particularly seem like that was likely to change, so I left. Which turned out to be a great stroke of fortune, as it's how I found my Anevia."


"Well, I am glad it worked out for you... I am sorry about my countrymen."


She shrugs. "I don't consider myself to have any complaints against anybody, and I wish them all well. And it's hard to imagine a better education than this one, really, when it comes down to it. Knight-Commander Aspex knows his business. If I'd been thinking of Lastwall as - a country, made of people, like any other, then I expect I would've wasted a little less time, but as lessons go I've paid more and learned less."


"From what I've seen, serving under the Knight-Commander is likely to be just as good an education, if not better. I can't say I'd recommend it, given the important work you're doing now, but if you ever did want to reapply I'd be honored to sponsor you."


" - I'll keep that in mind. I am indeed really too busy, these days, but - thank you."


"You are welcome. I won't take up any more of your time, unless you have complaints about how Lastwall has been dealing with the Crusade."


"There's nothing for me to complain about, Captain." Because Lastwall hasn't had anything to do with the Crusade, but she'll leave that implicit.


Well, he already knows about that one.





Rumors get out the next week that there was some kind of confrontation in the Midnight Fane. The version of it Marit hears repeated is that he was Dominated by a demon and threatened to kill Galfrey, who was quite alarmed until the Dominate was dispelled and wanted him taken to Nerosyan and checked for lingering demonic influence or nondemonic murderous intent.



….sure. The rumor mill could do a lot worse. He is excruciatingly polite to Lady Konomi and starts looping in Daeran about the diplomatic situation despite Daeran's protests, and Regill about the diplomatic situation (in separate briefings from Daeran). He promotes an archon. 

He does not go to temple services on the week-end, though the Crusade does observe it where strategic concerns permit, and though probably he is only buying trouble for himself with his dislike for the Church of Iomedae. The second-circle Mendev-native priest of Iomedae in Drezen is incredibly intimidated by the fifth-circle priest Lastwall sent, who has probably successfully read the whole holy book and everything, but she does her best. 

When Lastwall's representative has a moment free Marit will ask him if the Crusade's code is adequate. He got a complaint it might reflect outdated conceptions of how things ought to be done.



"Would you like me to prioritize this above or below the failure analysis," - he swallows the ‘sir' because Marit Aspex is not actually in his chain of command.


"Half day on this first in case anything jumps out as an obvious error, look at it in more depth once you've finished the failure analysis if not."



Aarind nods and takes the copy.




That evening, Aarind knocks on the Knight-Commander's door.


The Knight-Commander temperamentally dislikes his location being predictable but is in fact as it happens in his office. "Come in."


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