"That's fair."
He gathers his thoughts.
"I don't want to die because I'm trying to get away from something," he says. "I don't want to hurt because I'm trying to get away from something, I want to experience things because it's always been better for me to know than to wonder. Worrying about being too scared of scary movies was worse for me than being too scared of them, when I was a kid, I would've been so much better off if I'd started watching slashers earlier. Earlier today, I told you I made gympie-gympie pesto? This stuff makes people want to kill themselves just from touching their skin, I put it down my throat - I was safe, I wished on a healing power, I could snap my fingers and erase all the venom from my system at any moment. I did it and I felt good after. And I've felt - bad-good, I've felt the way you feel when you self-harm, when you do something that's slowly fucking you up worse because it's better than whatever you're feeling that second, and this isn't that. I felt excited beforehand and I felt exhilarated afterwards. My version of going on a roller coaster."
"So when I think about dying, it's not because I can't imagine carrying on, or that there's some problem or pain that I can't concieve of going away. I just think that... I can imagine falling asleep on the couch while I'm watching a movie and never waking up, but I just can't wrap my head around what it would be like to be here one moment and gone the next," he snaps his fingers, "boom, just like that. I can imagine ceasing to exist slowly but not ceasing to exist quickly. And in exactly the same way I wanted to know what eating gympie-gympie would do to me, and the same way I wanted to know what happens in horror movies when I was a kid, I want to know what that's like. It's just the same impulse that I've fucked myself up running away from my whole life. And if there were another one of me, one of us would get to live and one of us would get to know, and we'd both be coming out ahead in different ways."
"I'm not saying I need to do it," he says. "There's plenty of stuff like this that I haven't done. I can not-do-it because you'd be uncomfortable, just like I didn't fuck around with gympie-gympie until I had magic to make it safe, and just like I wouldn't kill myself just to try it if I didn't know there was gonna be another me who could carry on everything else I wanted to do with my life. But I know that this isn't an impulse I should treat as unhealthy or wrong for me. No fault to you, I don't blame you for worrying, but this flows very naturally from who I am, and who I am is an okay person for me to be. If I can do this safe, if there'll still be a Leo Salk afterwards who's just as much Leo Salk as I am, then I know it's not something I shouldn't do for his sake or for mine."