Alice glances around the room, her eyes take in the various people milling around. Everyone seems to be settling in to some extent in bigger or smaller groups. Zahn, of course, was pretty close to her. Her eyes stop when she notices two new students walking in the door, one with a backpack on. Something about them reminds her a bit of Zahn, not in his melancholy moods but when he was excited about some project or another. "Hi there," she says walking over. "Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Meetup group. I'm one of the organizers Alice and this is my friend Zahn."
"Yeah, that'd be a nasty surprise. I did tell people about the symbols for those when I found out about it though. Hopefully people will pay attention."
"I'll make signs for those one-way doors in the complex walls. 'Don't go out without arranging a way to get back in - I'll open these once a day' or something?"
"Yeah that could work. You'd need to make something that sticks in the ground though. Nothing sticks to the walls."
"Yeah probably, just wanted to warn you before you walked out there with nothing but tape."
Off she goes. Art room, assemble a bunch of signs (one set inside the door and one set for the outside), march out to the wall - she puts one in the ground, then opens the exterior wall door and has a look around.
The area outside of the wall has wider paths and somewhat less dense trees. There are buildings scattered about in all directions in no obvious pattern. Some of them are warehouses while others have windows.
No people wandering around close enough to see, though, apparently. She sticks the sign into the dirt off to the side of the path.
And on to the next one, and so on and so forth.
The buildings seem about the same in all directions. There's a shortish asian woman walking along the path between the third and fourth doors. "Oh hi there, I don't think I introduced myself to you last night. I'm Ching."