Alice glances around the room, her eyes take in the various people milling around. Everyone seems to be settling in to some extent in bigger or smaller groups. Zahn, of course, was pretty close to her. Her eyes stop when she notices two new students walking in the door, one with a backpack on. Something about them reminds her a bit of Zahn, not in his melancholy moods but when he was excited about some project or another. "Hi there," she says walking over. "Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Meetup group. I'm one of the organizers Alice and this is my friend Zahn."
Ignoring awkwardness is easier when you're in a kind of survival/risk managing mode of thought. Anyway, she can be discreet.
The clinic won't give her any specialized medicine, for now, so she goes and finds Riley again. Still in the library?
"Hey, Riley. I took a little tour - got to agree, no immediate concerns, we seem to be set up pretty decently. A few people are going to need medication, preferably sooner than later, do you know anyone who might qualify as a medical technician?"
"I'm pretty sure I can get the clinic to give out meds, I'm less sure how to make it let other people give out meds. There's also like pharmacies in the mall. That might be more comfortable for people, though I suppose we'd have to be careful nobody addicts themselves to pain meds that way."
"I'm going to go looking for gun stores and lock them all up, probably. Not saying nobody can have guns, but if someone is going to restrict pain meds, guns are an obvious choice too."
"I don't think there are any gun stores. It looked like you'd need a special kind of lock to lock the stores. There's probably a special lock shop that had those but I haven't looked up where that is."
Riley shows her how to look up mall stores, the information is apparently in the encyclopedia section of the computer. The lock store is a bit of a walk. Riley was right about there not being gun stores.
She writes down the location of the lock store. And a drugstore. "I think I can get insulin from that one..."
And then, might as well, she attempts the Security test.
The security test spends most of its time asking about fairly mundane things, some stuff about security systems, how to subdue people without injury, and a little about forensics. It also asks questions about various symbols she might have seen if she read the right encyclopedia entries and some background details she might have picked up about how the home complex is laid out.
She definitely knows how to subdue people without injury, and a fair bit about security systems. The home complex, she's seen once... The symbols - well, maybe not.
The interface will accept her application provisionally but asks that she complete training for a ten hours a week.
"It was only three for me but I doubt I'll ever be in danger of spending that little time trying to learn more."
"Yeah, you don't seem like the type to put in minimal effort. To be honest, neither am I."
She reads up on some of the basic encyclopedia entries - those symbols seem important, the various systems in place - and then pokes the computer into giving her the security lesson.
"That's good, I like people better when they care about what they're doing even if it isn't my cup of tea."
The computer decides to teach her about teleporters. Apparently most of them have keyboards and if you go from one keyboarded elevator to another the new elevator will be permanently unlocked unless she or another security officer with the relevant authority locks it. It also notes that security officers can make any teleporter with an address display it's address. Teleporters also show their addresses to the first person who enters them.
She notes this down: Compile lists of addresses for any teleporters. And looks up where teleporters can be found.
Teleporters are found in the mall, in various buildings in the surface complexes including some names biospheres, in the lounge of the home complexes and in certain restricted access areas. Teleporting to those requires an authorized user in addition to the address.
She can understand what amounts to a manual on teleporter operation and functions quite easily. They actually had a class on understanding your equipment and how it often doesn't matter between knowing what it can do and knowing how it works.
And the handy-dandy notebook gets a table of teleporters-she-knows-about.
What else, O computer?
Now it wants to tell her about under what circumstances she's allowed to lock doors. Basically it amounts to don't lock doors for days at a time or use the door locks to operate a prison in a complex not intended for that purpose.
Okay, kinds of doors, and what kinds of permissions can a Security person set on them? What are the defaults?
There are standard doors which lock from one side following explicit physical action, those are used on bedrooms and the bathrooms in some housing. There's the throughway doors which ordinarily can't be locked. There's security doors which will open from one side but not the other and there's security doors which will only open for authorized persons. There's also airlocks but those tend to count more as teleporters than doors. With the exception of airlocks Security officers can lock or unlock any of these within their zone of control. Security doors will not stay unlocked though. She can also name specific doors to the interface and lock or unlock those remotely on command. Airlocks she can't really change the behavior of. They'll allow travel by default in one direction and if their teleporter is active you can travel in the other direction or to other teleporters. Under no circumstances are both the doors open at the same time.
"There's some one way doors around... Some I can override now, a few I can't, apparently, but those also have teleporters. I think I'm going to take a break, go find our teleporter code - wait, it's probably what was on that paper."
"I'd expect so, I haven't tested that though, haven't run into any other elevator teleporter things."