Alice glances around the room, her eyes take in the various people milling around. Everyone seems to be settling in to some extent in bigger or smaller groups. Zahn, of course, was pretty close to her. Her eyes stop when she notices two new students walking in the door, one with a backpack on. Something about them reminds her a bit of Zahn, not in his melancholy moods but when he was excited about some project or another. "Hi there," she says walking over. "Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Meetup group. I'm one of the organizers Alice and this is my friend Zahn."
"That's good news, admittedly. But what about, like, layout, how many people are here, what do our supplies look like?"
"There's something like sixty kilometers of mall stores and a bunch of different greenhouses. I think our supply of meat and other animal products might be limited but otherwise I think, as long as we don't trash the place, it's sustainable in the long term. That said it looks like this place isn't perfectly safe. There are symbols that code for lethal danger, wild animals and things like that."
"Never have I been gladder there was an agricultural science department. But that can wait, again. We really need to understand the area and the tech as a first step toward security, I think..."
"That would be great I don't have high hopes for rapidly understanding the technology though when the medical machines use time dilation and teleportation."
"Yeesh. That's beyond me, and that's why we have specializations. Is there any organization going on, here? Like, someone assigning beds or sending out contact parties. Are there security doors?"
"People seem to be sorta deferring to me a little, but I'm not the best at organizing stuff so basically no."
"Whoever built this place only wants qualified people to access certain functions it seems. It'll test you for a job to get access to those functions, though it isn't completely up front about what privileges you'll get."
"I can't think of any. I suppose some people might get annoyed if you abuse the authority but otherwise you should be fine."
"I'll give it up if there are legitimate objections or a better candidate... Before I try that I think I'll take a quick tour of the local area. Say hi to people."
"Sure, that makes sense. I don't expect that there will be objections but it's probably better to check."
Gren heads out and takes a tour of the main building. To the first person she meets, she says, "Hello. I'm ROTC Cadet Grendyne Nyla - I came through the elevator this morning. I'm introducing myself to folks but I also want to know, do you have any immediate concerns? Is anybody you know missing, does anybody need medication, anything like that?"
"I came looking for my friend, Walta? She didn't call me yesterday, we had plans. And... Well, things are not going well back home. So I came looking the last place I thought she might be."
"That's a good point, there might well be a spaceship waiting for us somewhere. I intend to find out."
"That's an option too. I'd better go get familiar with the place if I'm going to figure it out, eh?"
She'll have a lot of variants on the same conversation. Some of the women are concerned about birth control, one person has diabetes and is probably ok without insulin for a little while if they're careful but getting some would be good. A couple other people mention more obscure medications for one condition or another, none of the needs are immediately life threatening. One person gives her grief for being in ROTC.
She's pretty sure the clinic could be coerced into producing various medications, and will definitely look into it.
She's very neutral with ROTC-disliking-guy, besides saying, "This isn't American soil, I'm mostly just another student, now."