Alice glances around the room, her eyes take in the various people milling around. Everyone seems to be settling in to some extent in bigger or smaller groups. Zahn, of course, was pretty close to her. Her eyes stop when she notices two new students walking in the door, one with a backpack on. Something about them reminds her a bit of Zahn, not in his melancholy moods but when he was excited about some project or another. "Hi there," she says walking over. "Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Meetup group. I'm one of the organizers Alice and this is my friend Zahn."
Zahn follows and finds a linux computer among those that Alice and Walta brought back. "So, before I dive into getting this system setup can you show me one of the library-type laptops? Do they have any surprises on them?"
"We found a bunch of installable programs for them, including a 'maps' one. But it doesn't show any kind of detail like the drone phone is supposed to get us, it basically just has the outer walls of this place."
"I wonder if you can sync two 'maps' programs. We have those data cables but some sort of wireless networking would be even better. I miss the internet. Anyway, if I'll glance at the programs you picked up later. For the moment, I'll try to get this drone code done."
"Heh, you're in a much better position to figure that out than me. I think I'll go try to wrangle people to haul crops up to the kitchen."
The next morning, someone finds that original reception lobby. Nobody she's heard of planning to go to that party is contactable. Lots of people are freaking out, out of contact, or off the radar, but it's a suspicious coincidence.
The place is untouched. The looting and rioting is still a very minority thing.
...She tries to find emergency stairs. Doesn't trust that elevator. Failing that, she'll climb up the outside of the mysterious party-hosting building and peer into the second floor windows.
Does it seem like someone actually uses the place? Is it completely unfurnished? Or just... Empty of people?
It's a mall the various storefronts don't seem to have accoutrements yet there are some store logos up but not much else.
There are elevator call buttons on each level next to the stairs but none of them are functional.
Let's try the elevator itself then. Maybe there's a hidden hatch to go with that weird keypad.
The elevator seems to be lacking any escape hatches. It does not comply with safety codes.
She would go try her crowbar on the doors upstairs but she's burning hours. Not many of those left.
...She enters one of the codes and hits the button.
The elevator doors will slide closed behind her. And she'll get a splitting headache combined with vertigo. That'll last for about a minute until just before the elevator doors open again onto a lounge that looks wholly unlike any of the upper floors she explored.
A couple people are sitting in the lounge and talking. They look up as she enters. "I thought the elevator had turned off," says an african american guy with a polo shirt on.
"Apparently not," says a hispanic girl. She gets up and walks over to Gren. "Hi there, it looks like you didn't have one of the drinks."
She leans back in the corner, the bug out bag pressing against her back.
The hastily-padded hoodie and balaclava maybe doesn't make a great impression.
"...The fuck was that?"
"The mall that party room was in is totally empty, I climbed up the emergency stairs... This isn't it. Unless there was a, uh, tunnel or something. God that was weird."
GPS signal lost, chimes her phone. "...Well then."
"I'm assuming you can't go back or there would be a mad rush to that place, you'd evacuate people. Fuck."
"...The. Neutron star? You guys don't know? Well, Earth is maybe done for, sorry to break it to you."