Alice glances around the room, her eyes take in the various people milling around. Everyone seems to be settling in to some extent in bigger or smaller groups. Zahn, of course, was pretty close to her. Her eyes stop when she notices two new students walking in the door, one with a backpack on. Something about them reminds her a bit of Zahn, not in his melancholy moods but when he was excited about some project or another. "Hi there," she says walking over. "Welcome to the Interdisciplinary Meetup group. I'm one of the organizers Alice and this is my friend Zahn."
Alice looks up from her console when he walks into the Library. "Hi there, I'm Alice. Welcome to whatever this place is. I assume someone's given you the speech about not being on Earth?"
"Yeah, it does. Are you premed, nursing, or something else? You can sit down next to me and I'll show you how to take the test."
"Huh, that makes sense." She stands up and walks him through applying for the job then goes back to her own work.
The Medical technician test has questions on anatomy, cell biology, pharmaceuticals, hormones, surgery, and strangely enough temporal mechanics along with related topics.
At the end the interface pronounces him 'Moderately Competent' and awards him the title of Provisional Medical Technician. It asks that he spend two hours daily on remedial classes and grants him the ability to supervise basic medical operations, approve emergency care, and prescribe medications. It notes that with further training he'll be able to supervise checkups, prenatal care, dental care, non-emergency surgery, and elective procedures.
"If we're here for a while it'll be good to have one around and if we're not it won't matter that much. Hopefully it'll be teaching something you can use even if we do go back to Earth. Zahn's Janitor training is quizzing him on how to remove about a thousand varieties of stains."
"Yeah, even we had all the elevators working, which we need to wait on Zahn for, it would still require biking almost two kilometers to get to the average store. We should probably send some people to make contact with the other home complexes soon. There's just so many things to do."
Carl replies, "I'm just glad we haven't gotten anybody stupid enough to start a fight in our section. Well, yet."
Walta looks up from her studying on nutrition to say, "I can poke the greenhouses into growing just about anything that was commercial back on Earth, so we'll have a nice variety of food. Maybe even a small amount of tobacco and marijuana... I'm very leery of the health effects but it could help keep people calm."
"I don't want to deal with tobacco. Nasty stuff. Weed's almost as bad. But keeping people from them wouldn't really work."
"Yeah, maybe some people might be willing to switch to nicotine patches though? If they aren't in the mall maybe you can prescribe something similar with the clinic?"
"I'll explore what it'll let me do. Getting the med bay to make cough up condoms or progestin would be a real good idea. I don't want to deal with a fuckin' pregnancy, and some of those guys would make it pretty likely."
"Yeah, ouch... Well we've got time to figure this out. Plenty of food."
"I'd expect condoms to be in the mall, I'm less sure about whether there are pharmacies with a 'behind the counter' section. It's probably a good idea to make birth control available to people. I wonder if the clinic can install IUDs."
"Yeah, I really don't want to try to work out a prison, but I can lock and unlock the clinic, there are also combination locks that can close Mall Stores, those don't require a security officer to use though. If it comes to a physical fight I can probably handle that too."
She smiles back. "It isn't a job I'm looking forward to but I'll definitely do it if it's needed. I just worry about what sort of deterrent we can realistically offer there isn't a jail here, not do we have the ability to fine people."
"I'm hoping that social pressure will be enough, there aren't many privledges that would be easy to restrict, but maybe we'll be able to think of some."
"I think I've studied this enough for now. I'd like to explore outside the wall for a while if you're up for it, Alice? Or maybe I can go find Zahn and ask."
"Sure," she glances out the window, "it's starting to get a little dark outside though, maybe we should see if Radioshack has a couple flashlights first?"