An invitation to a party appears on various university billboards inviting people to the Kappa Alpha Frat house located in the mostly finished Castle Commonwealth mall on the edge of town. The notice instructs people to follow the access road at 67 Lost Nation drive and enter through the back door and promises that signs will be posted to guide people to the party itself.
"There's also the fact that they appear to be relying on signs on college notice boards. Not necessarily the best way to attract people."
"Although young adults at college are probably a good group to grab if your aim is to build a civilisation."
"Yeah, the adaptability of youth with less dependence on support networks than younger children."
"But this doesn't explain why someone's gone to these lengths. Or who. I certainly hadn't heard of any risks to earth. Or of any projects that would allow for immediate interplanetary transfer. ...I suppose it could...potentially be a massively complex virtual environment, but I'm pretty sure it isn't."
Zahn links with Alice to exchange thoughts then looks over at Rex with the intention of forming a telepathic link.
Do you know if these new people know about magic? What is it ok to tell them? The words are accompanied by confusion and the sense of flailing a little.
One of them is, her friends don't know. And Joss says there's something strange about the boy, she kinda can't sense him.
He pauses, shifts closer to Joss and-
We prefer to not make it common knowledge. And dropping the Reaper in it wouldn't be good, should be her choice whether or not she reveals what she is. But- But probably wise for them to know magic is a thing?
If delicacy is required I think I'll leave it to Joss. Alice would but she doesn't understand the situation well enough.
Joss makes a quiet, almost amused sound as Rex woofs out something that might be a laugh.
"We gonna continue our recce?" she asks Alice and Zahn. This isn't a conversation she wants to have exactly here.
"Up to you, I'd like to see more but it's not urgent considering they've already done some of the exploring we planned to. I think Rex will be disappointed if we go inside right away though."
Joss laughs. "Yeah. I should possibly go for a run with him if you guys wanna head back in?" (She gives Zahn a significant look that says she'll fill their new friends in when she gets back.)
Arla tracks Rex's path with mildly suspicious eyes. "We did come in search of breakfast."
"Well, I'd be happy to show you the kitchen. It's reasonably well stocked. I just had cereal but it has ingredients if you want something fancier." He starts walking back.
Arla casually places herself between Zahn and Dan and Miriam, although it doesn't really look like that's what she's doing.