An invitation to a party appears on various university billboards inviting people to the Kappa Alpha Frat house located in the mostly finished Castle Commonwealth mall on the edge of town. The notice instructs people to follow the access road at 67 Lost Nation drive and enter through the back door and promises that signs will be posted to guide people to the party itself.
"Did we not cover that yesterday in the 'magic is real' talk?" Joss sounds honestly perplexed. "I feel like it would've come up when we were discussing packbonds?"
"Note to self: more sleep, and make sure when explaining things everything is clarified. I'm pretty sure- oh, Rex's tail will occasionally be on fire. It's perfectly normal, he's not hurt by it."
"Alright. Rex has his dog thing, you have a magic detector, and Tamaris can make things, or duplicate things. Anything else I should be expecting?"
"Not unless we find the others, and I need their permission before I say any more- oh, Tam's kinda got a healing thing, but like...she won't unless you give her permission. Half-angel, half-demon, even she doesn't know the full extent of her powers yet."
"That makes sense. Healing is potentially very useful. If there's no negative side effects, please tell Tamaris it's alright to heal me if circumstances prevent me from doing so."
"Same. If I'm unconscious I'd prefer to get healing or medical treatment all other things being equal."
Rex has recovered some of his enthusiasm and is ahead of them, running back and forth to sniff at things.
Abruptly he stops, head up and alert, looking into the distance.
"What do you mean, 'other people'?" Joss asks, even though nothing's been said.
"Was there anyone else here when you two got here?"
"There wasn't anyone around when we arrived. I think that someone might have been there before us and eaten a bit from the buffet. There wasn't anything obvious like dirty dishes but there were signs."
Joss resists the urge to go for the knife in her boot. It's probably fine, she's just being paranoid. "We have company," she says instead. "Heading back towards us if Rex is right."
Alice tenses slightly and plays with the hem of her dress. "Can he smell if they're people you know?"
"Don't worry so much. They're probably just more partygoers like us." He moves to stand slightly behind Alice.
The boy has his arm around one of the girl's shoulders and is gesturing grandly as though he's explaining something.
The other girl spots them first, and throws out an arm to stop her two friends.
"Hello," she calls.
"Yes, something like that," this girl steps past the warier one, and moves close enough to offer a hand. "Miriam. These are Arla," she points at the other girl. "And Dan," she points at the boy.
Joss makes a discreet and obscure gesture down by her hip, clicking her tongue twice, eyes fixed on Arla.