Iomedae and Alfirin get relationship counseling
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"Presumably some change to how Iomedae or I relate to the other. It seems increasingly likely that Shelyn thinks we should be involved again, or at least - cognizant of the possibility of being involved again."


"After the war I intended to tell Iomedae to stop being childish and talk to you about it. But arranging for that during the war looks, to me, malicious."


"Possibly. I think She just had us do it now because now is when Iomedae asked for Her help with Arazni...She could have said 'after the war is over,' I suppose, but - I suspect indifference towards our ability to prosecute the war more than malice.

...Telling Iomedae after the war probably wouldn't work. I left the moment Tar-Baphon is sealed, in the other timeline."


"Oh. Well. She wouldn't've wanted you to stay for her sake."


"And I wouldn't've wanted to stay just for mine. We've been idiots about each other and would probably continue to be until she ascends if left to our own devices." She kicks a rock down the mountainside and watches it tumble.


"But you're not thrilled that the entity that effected an end to that is an incomprehensible alien intelligence with its own agenda."


"I am not... I have been trying to think about what I owe Her, in terms of outcomes."


"Shelyn? How about nothing? She's not a Lawful god, you're not a Lawful god. She and Iomedae can bargain; the rest of us can do what serves us, and fence Her out if She's pushing too hard for something that we don't trust."


"I care about getting Arazni back very much and was willing to pay a lot for that. I don't know that I am better served by - refusing to cooperate with the payment demanded of Iomedae."


"I think Iomedae can probably cope if the realization she has about love is that it's not something you can achieve through divine meddling."


"I think that's rather beside the point."


"I don't want Shelyn interfering with the Crusade, and I want to have a plan for how to vet if I like what She did with Iomedae. Everything else is your business."


"I want to help the other Arazni and am or at least was willing to sacrifice a good deal of my personal life for that. So, separately from concerns about interference with the Crusade, it matters to me exactly what Shelyn will accept as Her price for that... Thank you for looking out for interference with the Crusade. I intend to for my part serve the Crusade no worse than I did in the other timeline, regardless of how things go with Iomedae."


"That doesn't sound like an unreasonable plan. Good luck paying Shelyn as little as possible."


"I suppose to that end I should probably talk to Her priest...I'll take you back to the Crusade first. Fort Lorrin or somewhere else?"


"Fort Lorrin's fine." He takes her hand. It's hard to tell if that means Alfirin is feeling a bit less out of sorts, or just that when he showed up late she remembered he isn't seventh circle, but he'll take it.


She takes him back to Fort Lorrin then teleports to the Shelynite temple.


It's very beautiful.


She does habitually take note of beautiful places so that she can return to them later but suspects she'll have too many negative associations with this one to come back without pressing business. 

"I'm here to speak with Vinressus Weir."


They show her in. (She has a Mind Blank up. She's probably important.)


"I am in relationship counseling with Iomedae, on the orders of your god. I would like to know what She intends with this, and what precisely Her requirements are."


"I can ask Her, but I would probably need to ask Her a...more specific question. And... She's probably not going to be able to tell you anything as specific as 'can we make this relationship work' or 'should we make this relationship work'. That's why She recommended you talk to a ....human."


"I am not interested in Her answers to those questions. I want to know at what point She will consider Herself adequately compensated for Her intervention to help Arazni. If you need a more specific question... you could ask how many more relationship counseling sessions we would have to undergo before She is satisfied, though I expect that is not the form that Her requirement takes."


"I'll run a Commune if you want, but - it sounds to me like you still have the kinds of questions that humans are better at answering. You disliked the relationship counseling, and feel - coerced to attend it?"


"I could decline to attend, in which case all that would happen is that my friend whose well-being matters to me very much continues to endure an existence worse than annihilation. I would not call that coercion, exactly, given that Shelyn had no role to my knowledge in creating that situation."

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