He grows up.

He still misses Milites, but it's more of a dull ache at this point.

He keeps going to the temple of Sarenrae, albeit inconsistently. Someone there tells him he'd make a good court-assistant. He laughs, at first, but -- well, everyone says the civil service is the best way to get ahead in Taldor. Someone else at the temple knows someone who knows someone who's able to get him a position there.

He happens to pick up a newspaper one day. There's a sidebar on the second page about a murder in a city in the Whitemarch Prefecture. Apparently someone had confessed to the murder during an unrelated interrogation for a different crime; normally this wouldn't even merit a mention in the paper, but given that someone else had already been executed for the same crime, it had caused a bit of a stir. Drakon's eyes flick down to the bottom of the passage.

The initial investigation and trial was largely handled by Court-Assistant Milites Caracies, and decided by Judge Silvanus Bulso. Court-Assistant Caracies defended the decision not to have the defendant testify under a Zone of Truth spell, saying[...]

It's not easy to get a transfer to an entirely different city for no particular reason. He pulls every string he has to make sure it happens anyways.