An extremely reluctant farmer picks up a hoe
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Does Oliver already know buying and selling prices there?  If not, he'll ask out loud.

Though he's probably going with Parsnips either way, it ties up his investment for the least time.


Oliver seems to know the following information about spring crops.

Crop Days to mature Repeats? Seed purchase price Crop sale price
Parsnip 4 no 20 35-77
Bean 10 yes, every 3 days 60 40-88
Cauliflower 12 no 80 175-385
Potato 6 no, but sometimes yields multiple 50 80-176
Tulip 6 no 20 30-66
Kale 6 no 70 110-242
Jazz 7 no 30 50-110



"I don't quite see why anyone would grow anything besides Parsnips... nothing obviously increases in price more, from seed to crop, and they have longer gestation times.  Well, Cauliflower, but it doesn't double three times in 12 days."


"Oliver." She sounds pinched. "I know we don't really know each other, but can I talk to you please? Right away? Privately?"


Quick glance in Emily's direction in case she's about to say something about Leah being a known serial killer.


Emily is not pleased about this, that much is clear, but she doesn't say anything out loud.


"5G says to bail me out," Oliver says.


Emily nods sharply to Oliver and then goes back to glaring at Leah.


"Lead on," Oliver says to Leah.


Leah takes Oliver out the back door of the store area into a hallway, through a large open room, and into what looks like a church to Yoba. It's very golden in this room, with ten giant pillars surrounding an altar to Yoba. There are benches where, presumably, the congregation can sit, and red banners lining the back wall.

"We probably won't be heard here, but we should still keep our voices down," Leah hisses at Oliver.

"Could you please. Stop. WAKING THEM UP."




"Okay, I was not expecting to hear that. "

"In my version of reality, Zuzu City has an economy completely unlike this place, and everyone is awake.  Some more than others.  Computers way more advanced, nobody has an infinite supply of hay to feed infinite chickens."

"My grandfather died and left me his farm, I got here and found this version of reality which promptly absorbed me into itself, I wasn't expecting that and didn't know anyone besides me was already awake here."

"What's your story."


"That was my version of reality too. I moved here from Zuzu City a few years ago, and when I realized how this place worked, I was delighted. Life is so easy here, everything just works, nothing ever goes wrong. I can just focus on my art."

"UNLESS you mess it all up."

"So... don't DO that."

She softens a little bit.



"That would have been a good deal easier if you'd left some sort of helpful sign at the bus stop and I had known about this preference of yours before I woke up Emily."  He decides in a split second not to mention Gus, yet.


"I had no idea you were coming, I didn't hear in advance -- I don't really talk to the other villagers all that much, they're very stupid. And I just saw you in here a few hours ago and I thought there'd still be time to catch you. I didn't want to do anything weird in front of Pierre. But then when you came back in with Emily, who is supposed to be working her shift at the saloon right now... I realized I had to speak up, even though it would look strange."


"Have you worked out anything about the structure of reality here--what's happening, why, who."


At this moment, Oliver's balance increases by 7G. And then another 7G. And then another 7G.


"Scuse me, batsignal," Oliver says, and races for where he left Emily.


"Oh thank Yoba you're back. Can we please just get out of here, or I dunno, buy as many parsnip seeds as you can afford real quick, if that's important, but..."

Emily looks like she's about to cry, or maybe punch something, but probably cry.




"Emily, let's step outside a moment, while talking continuously."  Leah may or may not have developed a solo timeslide technique.


"Okay." Emily grabs Oliver's hand again.

Emily's hand would be clammy except she really can't afford the sensory for that right now, the emotions are enough.


"Fourscore and seven years ago, our grandparents multiplied four by twenty and added seven," Oliver says, while pulling her outside.  Are there any obvious eavesdroppers there?


Nope, just the two of them on the doorstep of the general store.


"I just... couldn't take it! I'm sorry! She... wanted to talk to you! Alone! And I wanted to know how long that was taking, so I talked to Pierre, and it was taking forever, and I just don't trust her!"

Emily sniffles.

"I'm not really sure I should have interrupted you. I feel kind of weird about that."


"What did she want, anyway?"

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