She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"Most of it was over some magical things Fëanor made and then some different magical things his grandson made - and oaths -"
"We have oaths. Well, sort of, they were revised and now they can only verify honesty and intent and so forth, not bind future action. ...I should assume that I may be subject to the local form while I am here. What are the magical things?"
"This is really not a happy story, particularly if you knew them. Just - so you're braced. The magical things were called the Silmarils, and they were made from the light of the Trees which was of course the light of creation, and at the time he told us they were just beautiful but they were weapons he meant to use to found and defend his own civilization free of the Valar."
"We no longer have them; Melkor put them out. They used to light Valinor, before the sun and the moon."
"Sorry. Uh, in my world, planets orbit suns at a distance of some light-minutes and moons, where planets have them, orbit planets at a distance of a few light-seconds. Light bounces from suns onto moons, which are just rocks and do not shed light. It would be fairly unheard of to have a planet roaming about without a sun. Without a moon, there would be no tides - unless I suppose Ulmo was handling them manually - and without a sun there would be no light, even shining trees couldn't cover the whole globe unless they were also motile."
"Yep. By Yavanna. It sounds like maybe your Valar were, ah, better at their jobs from the very start."
"Even when the Sun and Moon went up they were originally fruits of the Trees, on chariots drawn by Maiar. Eru eventually intervened, made the world round and the stars different. Our system now might be like yours."
"It was flat. Gravity was directly managed. Melian was a bit embarrassed about that, they'd realized eventually they'd done it wrong."
"- Melian being the Maia queen of Doriath who married Elu Thingol under dubious circumstances?"
"I'd be skipping a bit ahead, but he was murdered, Lúthien for unrelated reasons chose to die permanently and irretrievably, she tried to hold it together because she was protecting a kingdom of half a million against Melkor singlehandedly but she slowly fell apart from grief - it just shredded her -"
"And then the kingdom was sacked twice and nearly everybody died including Lúthien's child and his children - who were six years old -"