She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
Good. And they can also stay here, just not while committing piracy or anything. She recommends having a contract with one of those Dwarf agencies if they don't already, it neatens up the confusing bits of whether you are costly to your neighbors and how much by a lot.
They mostly have it all set! The Dwarves who helped them transition explained the different plans and helped them pick one. It's weird but it works.
Dwarf systems are neat like that!
So, uh, no human electricians want to move to the human planet, is that right?
No other living or dead humans know how to maintain an electrical infrastructure! It'd be nice to raise the city with electricity but if everyone in it is confused by the concept it wouldn't be safe. They will have a monopoly on a useful skill.
That's a pretty good sell. They totally don't know all the things you need to maintain electrical infrastructure, though.
(She puts out a couple ads for possible other interested parties in case she puts electricity in the city and they have not done scholarship with their scholarships.) She learns plumbing.
Elros reunites with his wife and children and meets his niece and nephews and learns about electricity and the Internet and the history of Númenor and studies a few languages and asks after Maedhros and Maglor and draws up a legal system.
Maglor is reembodied and in her world. Maedhros is reembodied but unconscious. They might roll him back and then consult him in that state about how much he wants to remember.
" theory yes, that you could write down no. Possible I should commission some kind of computer aided design thing that converts well. Meanwhile a map and some sample floorplans should be okay."