She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"I think I will reside with my brother catching up on history, for the time being, which shouldn't require open portals."
Elrond raises an eyebrow. "Pirates all have their limbs?"
"Some people just want to know what they can get away with and do poorly with nothing to lose. She'll be fine. Thank you, Ambela."
"You're welcome. I'm assuming I might need to check in on her now and then - she made a remark about spraining her ankle and starving to death - how often seems sufficient?"
"Every three days would be often enough to prevent spraining her ankle and starving but, honestly, if she's been engaging in solo piracy she's been taking much bigger risks with her life alone for much longer -"
"I think someone would probably have done something sooner if they couldn't just assign a value to what she stole and bill me. Someone does want a formal apology for being held hostage over her daughter's birthday party."
"I will be very impressed. Are you going to want the place wired for electricity too - probably easier to do it in the first place same as with the plumbing -"
"'s very cool, does lights and powered appliances and such, and some of the humans on Endorë may have even picked up how to maintain the infrastructure by now. I will ask while I'm telling them about the emigration option cum deportation threat."
Her ring doesn't understand why cutting peoples' hands off is nicer than making them just not want to be pirates.
If they find somebody facing this decision perhaps she'll propose the option sort of like how Elves used to be able to swear not to repeat their crimes. As she understands it the point is mostly that threatening to cut off people's hands or what have you is nicer than the alternatives.
And here we see the ring's personal bias, exhibit Q-1832.
She goes and makes sure all the humans know that there is going to be an all human planet available soon, which they can move to if they please or if they exceed the handling capacity of their hosts.
That's good too! Just making them aware. There was this one pirate. She is glad they do not have her problem.
They don't want to make trouble they've totally been assuming their hosts will exile or murder them if they make trouble.