She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
Very adaptive. Good coping skills. Can handle an astonishing variety of conditions - very impatient, do things so quickly -
I'm sure you'd cope but, like, they have new architectural trends on the scale of 'every Year' and the language changes to the point of mutual unintelligibility every thirty and I don't think immortality will change that about them.
The Valar are working on something to extend what we have for oaths to you - we work on different architecture, so it wasn't terribly difficult to fix it so we can only swear about intentions and honesty, not binding future action. As soon as that's implemented he can probably meet humans no problem.
Or you could just collectively agree not to go dig the damned things up and we'll be fine.
I think under the circumstances it would be better to be much surer than 'get everyone to collectively agree on that' can get us.
It doesn't actually seem like it should be that hard not to steal things but I thought that before.
The humans who are already immortal and were until recently trapped under a mountain for three thousand years would like to go somewhere they can set up their own civilization sans Valar, please. The ones who were slaves and conscripts want to wait around until their families are resurrected but prefer not to do this in Valinor the place just creeps them out.
Endorë is pretty populous and has a Vala on it and it will take a considerable time to get anywhere else, either in regular ships or waiting for FTL tests. She would be happy to terraform them a planet if she can figure out how, though.
Insofar as Eru is a species they should totally be racist against Erus in the continent acceptance department. Anyway, waiting for an already habitable planet to be found will probably take longer.