She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"Well, we would have noticed if we could, I assume..." Does the ring have a guess why?
Remember that current of magic in the other Arda? It was everywhere there and it's not here at all and you need to pull on it to compose the songs. Once they work they float independent of it like this, see, and you can scoop them up and take them somewhere else, but you'd never stumble on something that worked by chance without being able to pull on it.
"- location, not a property of us. If he can sort out immigration he can pick it up."
"Likely enough. The ones I met were fairly excited to have an Elf visitor, especially one who would sing to them, and vague on Elf politics."
So fascinating! She asks the ring about it. She sings magic songs and looks at them. She looks at people's magic jewelry and the effects the Valar have laid on Valinor.
It's a bit much, but in an interesting-to-parse way! She gets so much practice. She begins to think about terraforming.
"You're welcome. And thank you, even though it turned out it wasn't necessary to do things the long way. How have you been?"
"I think they'd rather not import technologies, but the broad news that now the Valar understand things went over pretty well, and they're waiting on resurrections of anyone whose return is not eagerly awaited."
She nods. "The technological aspect will probably be more interesting to the people of Endorë; everyone here is presumably comfortable and is not yet accustomed to our conveniences that they'd miss them."
"Maybe we'll phase things in at the rate you initially developed them. Did people think that was too fast?"