She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
"It's not clear to me who my counterpart is in the other Valinor - to decide what technology they want and at what pace, that sort of thing -"
"Yeah. Might be able to vouch enough to smooth the way for you to interface directly?"
"I think Arafinwë in particular probably won't - he never left Valinor - but maybe hold the meetings here."
"This calls for having nothing to do with any of it, honestly, but it's not just this - Father's been throwing things through the portal -"
"Oh, did he not show you the design? It's a purely mechanical music player and some sculptures and some abstract representations of physics -"
"I suppose it could still hit someone on the head, but otherwise it should be appreciated. We hope."