She is on a a nice walk in the woods, so at least nobody else is right there to be eaten by the snake and she osanwëd a warning to emergency services first.
So now she can worry entirely about where the fuck she is.
Usually the ring would make him like her the absolute most and think she was totally perfect!!
"The ring thinks you might not like me enough and is disgruntled about not being able to adjust that," she says.
"I think she would rather I like her because she is excellent than because she has a mindcontrol ring," he says to the ring. "Also I assure you I could hardly like her more."
The ring bets he could!
"He's right, you know," she says to the ring. "Being liked for having a mind control ring is actually worse than not being liked. Maybe you will understand if I explain it enough."
She hasn't been liked for having a mindcontrol ring, maybe she doesn't know how it is amazing. Or if she preferred it she could just read his mind all the time just to be really really sure he liked her.
"You really, really are not going to win this one," Rúmil says to the ring, and kisses his wife.
They blink at each other. "I'm glad that worked, and so quickly," the one from the tragic Arda says.
"It sounds like there's still a lot to do. But yes."
"She's remarkable."
"I know!"
"If you had one she'd have straightened your Valar right out. Even if they were more confused to begin with."
"They were - world used to be flat -"
"- I suppose that's an understandable beginner's mistake, really -"
"And the sun was not there to begin with. The place was lit by trees. Endorë was just dark."
" - that is a less understandable mistake - how did anyone live there -"
"Starlight! It was lovely. But we got a later start on technology."
"I didn't have a good opportunity to ask - in our world I came up with writing and Rúmil replaced my alphabet with tengwar that were pretty enough so it would catch on, what about here -"
" - oh, I came up with something sufficient for notes and then Fëanáro came up with the tengwar - they do match, though, don't they?"
"Oh yes, I would have been so annoyed if I landed illiterate. In our world Fëanáro invented the printing press -"
"It will be so lovely to be able to catch this world up to speed. I hope he's - willing to be alive again - I don't expect it of Maedhros but the others -"
" - I bet he will be very easily enticed by all of the technology you mentioned having, not to mention the languages."
"That does sound like him."